Collectible & Wardrobe like Guild Wars 2

I know that an Illusion system is planned to be released with the upcoming expansion and I do not know how it will be implemented, but it would be awesome to have an account wide wardrobe system like in Guild Wars 2, where if a character finds a skin, he/she can have the option to permanently unlock the skin in the wardrobe and any character can use that skin for a specific iron price. Seems like this is how it will be implemented. But I wish there weren’t any level restrictions on illusions.

Also, since we have an abundance of crafting components, I think it would be amazing if all these components are automatically stored in a bottomless collections tab/storage similar to GW2 (obviously GW2’s one isn’t bottomless since its a MMORPG) and all these components will be auto looted & auto completed. This option should be a toggle-able one, so players who don’t want to have this feature can disable it.

For more information on the Illusions system, see Grim Misadventure #112: A New You; but yes, the illusions/wardrobe options are available to all characters.

Here’s a clip from a stream Zantai did showing the Illusions,

The devs are expanding the storage available, but it won’t be unlimited.

Edit: Here’s where Zantai shows off the stash in that same video:

Actually, I don’t want an unlimited storage for everything, just for storing/collecting crafting components account wide. It’s just a QoL I would personally prefer and as I suggested, it can be a toggle option so those who don’t want it can disable the feature.

Yes, I understand, though since its not been mentioned in the Misadventures, I doubt that’s coming.

Edit: Here’s where Zantai shows off the stash in that same video (from previous thread):

I do hope they release something similar in later updates/expansions. Thank you for sharing the link, gotta watch it whole :slight_smile:

Your welcome! :slight_smile: Yes, there is lots to see and read about the expansion. Enjoy!

If this poll is anything to go by you might just get your wish :wink:

A partial wish. All components could be shared across the characters, but it won’t be bottomless.
And based on the poll and comments by the devs, this seems like a sure thing. :slight_smile:

Technically the material storage in GW2 isn’t bottomless either; caps out at 250 (whereas GD’s stack limit is 1000) unless you care to spend some cash on microtransactions.

Yup I’m aware of the limitations on GW2 storage, so was the OP based on their response; so I didn’t address that. :slight_smile: