Color coded damage mod

i’d love to try something like this out. if anyones working on something or if its just a good idea to incorporate into the game in the future. please let me know!:smiley:

Yeah, this is something we’ve been wanting for a while but I don’t think it’s something we’ll get any time soon… :frowning:

haha damn! yeah i was hoping someone would have info on it. i tried to dig something up. ah well. maybe one day!

I’m assuming what you want is say your attack does phy/pir/cold/bleeding damage you hit for 10,000 you want to know how much is which damage type.

Which is a great idea the only problem is the engine adds it all up together at once making cooler coding impossible. I feel like the only way to get the desire effect is to go into the games code and tell the engine

“Yeah when the player hits the monster if you could just show all the different damage types that would be great.” Then you could go in and color code the damage types.

Now i feel like if this was a thing then overtime you hit a monster your screen would just be a fucking rainbow of numbers ontop of a all the spell effects the monsters and yourself would be casting. Total eye sore but cool.