Colored Character Name?


some minutes ago i checked the mp and saw a guy with colored character name.

Do somebody know how to color your name? Simply putting RGB Codes like #F2A34D in front wont work.


Just discovered this trick, work like in the old Titan Quest.
I wanted to start a new topic, but I will necropost here.

You can add color to your chars by prepending a color code to their names, to do this, you can use GDStash and rename your people.

Color Codes are in the format of
{ - open pointed parentesis (whatever is called in engrish)
^ - cap up
SINGLE LETTER -can be lower case or upper case, it do not matter, the color is the same
} - close the pointed parentesis

for example, my char is called Bruto, if I want him red, I use the letter β€œR” as color code. Use GDStash and rename Bruto as {^R}Bruto.

Now you can have different colors for your twinked/untwinked/test characters, enjoy!

β€œNew users can upload only 1 images per post.”

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