Combat Video!>1!! 4 Realz this time!

this looks great! :smiley:
when its done it will be definetly amazing, i mean its pre alpha thats ok that some things dont look that great :slight_smile:
some people think it must be always over the top to give a good critic, its PRE Alpha guys! wait and you`ll see a good upcoming :smiley:
i find it nice that you can destroy something (doors! and more? ^^), a ++ from me :smiley:
keep it up cratebabeZ :rolleyes:

Really like the mood, melee attacks sound really powerful.

Dodging the slow moving electricity-missile-thingies: cool mechanic, has you actually pay attention to the battle instead of just spamming the LMB.

Love the smash-able furniture that blocks paths in the house. Very cool!


  • Charge (“Blitz”) animation seems very basic
  • The direction in which the dead bodies fly seem to have nothing to do with how they were hit by the mace. If the guy hits the zombie at the waist, swinging from left to right, the zombie should also fly sidewards (to the right)

I find it astounding that a game in pre-alpha looks that good already. Color me impressed.

That’s because the graphical engine and gameplay is already builded, it comes from Titan Quest. They just need to enhance the whole thing. Skills, story, maps, new mechanics, new textures, new effects, weather, destructible environments, gore effects, camera rotation, better loot system, quests, NPC, and more and many more… but engine is there :slight_smile:

When will they show some other video. I wont more, i wont more… Crap, where is my cd for D2, i need to instal it again, need to feed my hunger :).

That video reminds me of ole TQ :smiley: Good memories!

Same here. With Diablo 3 I keep thinking, “Enh… maybe it won’t be as bad as it looks”. With Torchlight 2 I keep thinking, “Enh… maybe it won’t be as bad as the original” (though it will be). With Grim Dawn, I dashed off to grab my credit card the moment I saw the first combat video.

awesome video:D

Dark souls! :o

Gibby good times! :smiley:

looks great

are you trying to get a lots of post by reviving old thread ?!?!??

if your talking to me?!?!

im reading active threads then posting. posting is part of being an active forum person. if there is discussion im not going to re write the same stuff that’s been written. and if I don’t really disagree with something im not going to just post some random thoughts(unless its that kinda thread). but I do want to post something to show im reading these threads and being an active member, if a thread needs “REVIVING” then is should be closed and deleted unless it has specific and helpful info. in which case it should be combined to other threads of the same like. pretty common. and by the same thought are you just posting about my post to “GAIN” post??? hmmmm. when you could of just PM’ed me. no you thought to post it. not everyone agrees with everyone else’s post! but to say some one is trying to get lots of “POSTS” on a POSTING FORUM makes no sense lol. that’s the point of forums where people post! thx

whatever, you just keep reviving old thread, even 2010 thread like this one :

2010… cmon man

Please, lets not start any fires here. This situtation has been addressed here:

And, if I remember correctly, Crate decided not to close threads, even ones inactive for > 2 years, in that forum section.

So, if a thread is open, it is in fact open. Okay?

Anyway, look at my post in the thread linked to above, and look at BigDit’s response, I think an understanding has been reached. Lets just leave it alone please.

I’ve been playing TQIT, and I’d like to say PLEASE don’t add the windup you have in TQIT to attacks; it’s very rhythm-breaking and not at all fun.

I notice that one AOE cleave attack does have a windup; given how hard it seemed to hit, that makes sense and I can’t argue against it. However, a regular attack/the “put this on your left mouse button” type of attack should not have any noticeable windup.

edit: Aw damn I got suckered in by a necro’d thread. I only just was able to purchase a key, so I’m sorry for missing obvious things!

No worries about a good necro. :wink:

There is a recent discussion, which might interest you: [thread=6096]Titan Quest: Lack of Visceral Combat and Mouse Movement - Does GD Still Have This?[/thread]

Very nice! I have not looked forward to a game as much as I am this one in a very long long time!

looks nice

Hello Kluga, I am agree with you this is purely amazing:)