Concerning boss and champion type monsters

Any way you could have a star for champion type mobs and a more-better star for a unique difficult boss or mob? Like a gold elite portrait vs a silver elite portrait in WoW.

Quickly being able to visually know holy shit or CAPTAIN, HOLY SHIT is useful.

Red>Violet>Orange is enough for me. Just look at name color rly.:rolleyes:

I’ve made a similiar suggestion some months ago, where I suggested adding different stars for different ranks of Hero monsters (Bronze stars for the weakest, Silver stars for the moderately difficult and Gold stars for the hardest), so yeah, that would be a really nice feature.

Because adding QoL improvements to the game is bad.

and maybe add a legendary mark on the map when a lego drops? /wink

And also please add… :smiley: When fighting a boss, let his HP bar be always visible, not only on mouse over. Atm bosses feel like starred mobs, imho that one addition would change everything :rolleyes: