Confused about how to get Crucible steam key

Been a backer since the start but cannot find key through Humble site or even the Grim Dawn game to click on in my library on Humble to re-redeem it’s key.

Go to, click on your Grim Dawn purchase and the green link Click here for your Steam/GoG keys.

If there is no key for the Crucible, contact Humble Support.

The Grim Dawn game is not showing up in purchases??

Have you changed your email address since you purchased Grim Dawn? If the old one is still valid, try out the key resender. If you have not claimed that page, you have the option to change its email address in the lower left corner.

Sorry for digging up this old thread, but I just had some problems with getting the DLC. I found a solution that someone might find interesting, assuming that gasp they haven’t claimed the DLC already.

So I was a kickstarter backer and the key didn’t show up on my Humble page, even after I did what eisprinzessin described.

For me, the problem was that I had to choose the platform (Steam/GoG) a second time. Then the keys showed up.

So if you already own the game and have chosen Steam when the game came out, then you will likely have to make the choice again after the DLC was published to get the DLC keys. I would assume that the same will hold for futher DLCs.