Congrats Crate and GD for getting a really good Gamespot review

Very first friggin’ line: “Grim Dawn is a fast-paced, gory, and loot-filled action RPG that deserves a spot among the greats of the genre.”

Also ignore the 8/10 number. A lot of commenters on the article are also baffled at how the game was gushed upon yet didn’t get a 9 or 10. Fact is, this will hopefully really boost sales for you guys, and I think most of us on the forum can agree that the review’s commentary is well-deserved. Congratulations!

I’m always amazed how superficial these reviews are. 75% of that review could be copy-pasted into the review of any other ARPG. The remainder shows that the writer played the game for two hours at most.

“Small inventory space is at odds with the heavy flow of loot” omg. I’m sure the writer didn’t even realized there are additional inventory bags via quests in GD.

Of his two gripes one was legit and one was not. The inventory gripe is legit. There is not enough inventory space. I have over 20 stash tabs of stuff. I hoard items, but there needs to be more than four tabs. Nothing is stored on their server so I am at a loss for why it is limited to a single personal tab and four shared tabs. They could have put four singular tabs in or increased the number of shared stash tabs.

He was talking about INVENTORY not STASH space.

About the Author
Brett Todd
Brett waded through the blood of Grim Dawn for over 40 hours before writing this review, and he’s still going back for more.
You mean this remainder? :rolleyes:

Either way, I take your inventory and personal stash as one. There needs to be more.

Lol! I’ve spent over 100 hours and I’m still trying to figure everything out. The more I play, the more is revealed. I feel like these gaming magazines don’t do game any real justice. I don’t read them, and I never will.

Age of Conan took advantage of the fact that game reviewers don’t log many hours before writing the review. Had any of the reviewers made it past level 20, they would have been in for a surprise, as the voice acting they lauded so much was suddenly gone. However, I don’t think that fact made it into many, if any reviews.

If he played the game for 40 hours, how can he make a statement, like (paraphrased from memory): ‘If you are not entirely happy with your chosen class, you can choose a second one a little into the game’.

Choosing a second class is not optional, it’s a necessity unless you intentionally want to gimp your character. If that guy indeed played for 40 hours, he’d know that.

A first time play thru (a FULL play thru on Norm/Vet) averages between 30-40 hours.

You can easily play 40 hours with a single mastery thru Normal with little problem. Its even been done clear into Ultimate before the first person to do it conceded they needed to give in and spec into the second mastery.

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I come back to this and see people only griping, when the point of me posting this was because the review was overall a massively positive commentary for the game. Why the hell are you guys focusing on negatives which, as written, were portrayed as fairly minor for the author?

That’s negativity bias for you.

It is optional.

And in his or her defense, there isn’t anything ingame that says “You completely gimp your character if you don’t multiclass”

Unless you read the forums you will never know that the most powerful builds are multiclass.

So your argument is that it is optional since there is no huge pop-up window in the game that says “You completely gimp your character if you don’t multiclass”. That’s a special kind of logic, wow.

It is in fact optional if you want to gimp your character. I even accounted for that particular eventuality.

While I’ve strongly disagreed with you in the past, and find you to be quite the Debbie downer, I’m in complete agreement here.

Anyone paying even the remotest of attention to the game would notice how valuable it is to multi class by at least the end of elite.

Kind of a compliment coupled together with an insult - well played! :slight_smile:

Anyway, that logic actually reminded me of our conversation a bit when I read it. The devs don’t say that it’s not optional, so it must not be…

Both of you are missing my point.

I realize from a game standpoint it really isn’t optional. It is like saying that work in RL is optional. If you don’t go to work you completely hose yourself. Same as not multiclassing in this game. I’ve argued with many a person in WoW that grinding for valor wasn’t really “optional” since you needed the valor for better gear and if you didn’t get the valor you hosed yourself.

My point is that you don’t have to do it and it isn’t intuitive that multiclassing is better. That’s all I’m saying.

I can actually agree with that. A new player with no prior experience of similar games probably does not get it. But, wouldn’t you say that after 40 hours, you should know better? I think so, hence I stand by my claim that the writer of that review did not have as much experience as he claimed to have and in fact only took a very superficial look at the game (that, or he is just completely inexperienced with games in general, which is strange for an editor of a gaming site, and/or he’s just stupid).