For conjurer / pets build submitted by JayNyne where to put my points ? Physical, cunning, spirit ? Balance ?
Thank you.
PS : I’m starting Grim Dawn (only one day)
For conjurer / pets build submitted by JayNyne where to put my points ? Physical, cunning, spirit ? Balance ?
Thank you.
PS : I’m starting Grim Dawn (only one day)
No idea who is JayNyne but you want to put 85-90 of your skillpoints into a physical
JayNyne wrote one of the best pet Conjurer builds around for the game.
As he said make sure you have enough points in Spirit to equip the Empowered Grimoire (715) and put the rest in Physique. You’ll get a lot of your Spirit requirement from gear so I don’t know that you can put an exact figure on how many attribute points should go into Spirit.
Note that when the Expansion comes out you will be able to reset attribute points once iirc.
Also note that this build is now anything but lazy - you’re going to be punching buttons like crazy!
I thought this build just popular, not one of the best.
Lazy pokemon are just super-over-hyped, but surely not the best pet build, all best bet build are made by DaShiv
ok ty for yours answers
No idea who DaShiv is so can’t comment on his builds.
All I can say is my simplified Lazy Pokemon build has been blasting through the content. Mind you it’s properly equipped using GDStash and I’ve changed a few of the Devotions during playtesting the expansion, but the only skills I’m using apart from the permanent pets are Primal Spirit and Blood of Dreeg - truly a lazy build. It’s much modified from when JayNyne first wrote the guide and I started using it following all his changes as he updated the guide. How well my simplified build would work right from the start and without the right gear at the right time I don’t know. But JayNyne’s build wouldn’t be popular if it didn’t work.
DaShiv created the Dracarris Pyromancer and Iskandra “Necromancer” hybrid pet builds.
Before those though, I don’t remember seeing many pet builds that were posted, though that doesn’t mean his is/was the best. JayNyne’s is one of the oldest and has been a good starting point for pet builds for quite a long time but others have devised stronger builds since then.
Fair answer
I am going to begin with the buid of JayNyne, the build of DaShiv is pyromancer, I need conjurer
Yeah, I thought so.
Looking at his Pyromancer build I was also planning to put a lot of points into Hellfire and Storm Spirit with my Conjurer.
I come back to you because I have a problem with the build of JayNyne ::o
How to unlock eldritch’s points ?
I didn’t say anything
Best thing to do would be when you have all the best gear, components and augments is to use the trainer Grim Dawn Trained hard. It has an option to ignore gear requirements. You could then make sure to gain back all your attribute points, equip the gear and then spend just enough points into Spirit to meet the 724 requirement, then put the rest into Physique.
As of right now pre-expansion the Empowered Grimoire requires 715 Spirit. According to Grimtools, with the expansion it’s requirement will be reduced to 632. The Mythical version has a requirement of 724.