The full Diviner’s Vision set bonus now has 100% aether to vitality conversion for Devastation. This was missing from the changelog.
Now, I don’t know why this was added in the first place when Gaze of Ungoliax exists…
The full Diviner’s Vision set bonus now has 100% aether to vitality conversion for Devastation. This was missing from the changelog.
Now, I don’t know why this was added in the first place when Gaze of Ungoliax exists…
what? no! nonononono, please no. can we have the set be used with a focus on aether as well please?
You can’t use Gaze of Ungoliax with the set?
Half of Devastation’s damage remains Vitality in this setup. What is your goal here?
the goal is mostly to fit a theme, aether caster. the char needed aoe and even at half vitality that is 2 devastations in a row with double projectiles which seems to complement the insane single target damage well. it has been my go-to to comfortably do sr 65-66 as well as crate of entertainment.
ungoliax already made full vitality devastation a thing so the change can seem a bit redundant.
To make it abundantly clear:
Diviner’s Codex has had “100% Fire Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Devastation” since version Once Gaze of Ungoliax appeared, that conversion became redundant for anyone wanting Vitality Devasation. For aether builds, it was annoying but not a build-breaker.
Patch added “100% Aether Damage converted to Vitality Damage to Devastation” to the full 4-piece set bonus of Diviner’s Vision. Again, anybody wanting Vitality Devastation will find it redundant because Gaze of Ungoliax already has that conversion. But this kills aether builds wanting to use the full Diviner Vision set for Devastation.
Fully agree with this thread. This is a big nerf to aether version of Diviner which was a fun and strong build. Please revert the conversion change, split aether/vitality devastation was fine for the aether version of this set (full conversion would be too strong)
Vitality version of Diviner has amazing single target damage to stationary targets with these devastation mods but there is no weapon to convert aether damage of RS, leaving the build struggling outside of devastation area. Maybe this can be solved somehow by adding other support spells.
conversion got removed again with the current update, thx.