CPU, GPU and GD engine


That is not a bug, just a technical question.

I wonder why Grim Dawn engine is so heavy on CPU (instead of using GPU) ? Is that due to Grim Dawn engine, or direct x or anything else ?

Anyway that 's a great game, no questions about it, congrats to the devs.:wink:

Thanks in advance for the answers


Probably the engine which came from TQIT. Still there is this quote from Zantai, one of the developers of the game, during a live dev stream back on 7th December.

"Dragon_RW : Hi, will this engine still use a single core to do all processing?

That is a misconception. I am well aware that the engine is heavily based on one core, it does not however run on a single core, it never has. We’ve actually made improvements to that over the years and it utilises additional cores more than it does many years ago. Could that be improved? With infinite resources anything can be improved, but there are diminishing returns."

thanks for the answer.
I understand the issue one core / multi-cores, but is there any way of mobilizing the GPU instead of CPU ?

That would require updating GD’s game engine. Doubt that will happen with this game.

The game is primarily CPU bound because of all the calculations happening on screen at any given time.

All the monsters pathing around, their stats, their attacks, all that needs to be processed. Now add in the environment’s draw calls, the player’s stats/actions/movement and it starts to make sense why CPU is taking the brunt of the work.

A favorite example I’ve seen players bring up is that games like Witcher 3 run smoother on their PCs despite “looking more detailed”, but games like that have…what, 3-5 enemies on screen at any given time? It makes a big difference.