CPU requirements to run Grim/Grimmest smoothly

Would never resort to blaming, at least I try.

I upgraded to a i6600k + GTX 780. At full settings, I run most of the game at a capped 60fps without a hiccup. Yet at some moments, with like 15 or 20 monsters nearby, some of them aetherials, framerate just drops to 30-35, but it sure as hell feels a lot lower.

In task manager, my cpu is loaded for about 60% on cores 1 and 3 (i applied the affinity trick). So that is not the bottleneck. The load on my GPU during the framedrops is 30%: a 780 can handle this game with ease.

Therefore, the game is badly optimised for many monsters on screen, and I do not like it that the dev’s wont acknowledge it, let alone fix it. It’s all fun to have extensive mod support, but right now I have a beefy gaming CPU, and STILL it’s nearly unplayable in busy area’s when for example playing Grimarillion.

Too bad, im trying again and again to like this game, but the fps problem gets in the way. I’d really have liked to enjoy GD’s expansions with some nice mods like playing with the original Titan Quest skilltrees available. But alas. If in act4 near the warden things already get so bad, and not even on ‘grimmest’ settings (mucho monsters), I surely don’t want to know what the framerate looks like in Fort Icon and/or the Plains of Strife.