when i start a new game, i allways crash back to Desktop on 80% percent loading screen. In the Temp-Directory is no Crash-Folder. Show-Hidden is activated. Tried different resulutions always the same.
In the SaveGame-Folder are 2 empty Log-Files and an _current.map save at 84.444. kb. Too Big to Share here.
I attached Screenshot vom Temp-Dir (in Menü you will see check “Ausgeblendete Elemente” which is the hidden element property. - Screen from Unit-Frame short before the crash. A Progress bar in the frame is running to the end. And a DxDiag from my System.
FarthestFrontier.zip (133.3 KB)
Have you any Idea why the didn’t start? Or where I could find s.th. that may help you?
Greetings Vir
*edit spellings