Crashing very frequently as of this or last update

I didn’t play the V0.9.4 version, so its been a bit since i played v0.9.3. I almost never expirianced crashes in that update or before. I was always impressed how smoothly it ran as I’m on linux.

It is now crashing frequently. I never know when it will hit. It doesn’t appear to be anything specific that triggers it. Takes a few minutes for my pc to realize its locked up and close it by force.
Idk how to send crash report or if it saves one?

We do not officially support Linux, so I’m afraid we can’t offer much insight on the matter.

sigh. i always get that response. i dnt think it has to do with linux tho. as i said it was running so smooth before the last update.
I also notice the autosave doesn’t seem to be triggering right. i think its crashing when its trying to start the save process.

If you can reproduce your crashes in the Windows environment, we’ll be happy to take a look.

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