First day on grim dawn i will test it right now ! Heard a lot of good things about it since few months.
Mostly what decided me is the fact developers seems to be invested in the game with community feedback, second reason is i was boring on the others arpg, actually what i would from a game like that is more than " farming => get the strongest gears => make profit => get again stronger gears => …".
Maybe you will surprise me after all ! Many improvements are possible !
Well, i’m talking too much time to click on new game
I wish you gl & hf for dev part, know this is an hard and long work.
Hey thank you terec
Actually i gave it a quick try, there is a way to share skill tree ? Would be interesting to get opinions from community and make some test.
Thanks for answer i will try grimcalc too, i missed my search on forums wooopsss :eek:
I heard the game will ( already the case ? ) support custom mods ? If yes, i’m in !