but he’s right Zantai. For someone who has played Kickstarter, alpha’s, beta’s and everything since B6-7 the creativity is dwindling. But that is because we have build EVERYTHING at this point
I can’t think of anything new either. You need to add more obscure shit instead of working on that new big patch /s
Besides he only looks at the meta-builds others are posting in the build guides, Instead of coming up with actual diverse and creative builds of his own. That explains a few things as well.
Big agree on this part, I’d like more non-set legendaries if possible. Particularly boots and gloves seem to be lacking a lot of options, and its tiresome to see every build have Golem Stonetreads be BiS.
I feel like this is such a matter of perspective and this topic comes up not exactly word for word but often enough it’s the same soup reheated over and over. What standard are you holding a build do that it has to be creative and effective?
I’m rolling a pistol/shield build with a fair amount of blues. It probably won’t fair well in crucible or SR and I’m okay with that. More of just having fun with my idea while keeping my deaths at 0 as I too am a HC player for what it’s worth.
I’m not saying this is the case here or maybe it is where this stemmed from. If you are one of those people who has to have 6min crucible and 75+ SR for your build to be effective you are without a doubt narrowing the field of creativity and there is nothing wrong with that but you just have to be aware of it. It seems like a case of “If my build doesn’t hold up the clear times of others on the forums it’s not worth it”
When I started playing it was nothing but pet builds for me and Homestead was as far as the game was playable if I remember correctly. For the longest time there was such limited pet support you had beast caller conjurer and dashiv pyromancer and that was about it as far as what I saw on the forums. Now you have people like Maya making pet builds crushing content with just about every class combo, it’s fantastic and I think that is just a small example of how the creativity has grown in this game.