Crowd-Funding for closed servers?

Hello all! Guys do you think it could be possible to create a crowd-funding to improve the multiplayer experience of grim dawn with closed servers? It could be amazing and probably this could improve a competitive section of the game with pvp features or cooperative game but with no cheats and control!
Good game all!

Possible yes, but not likely. A crowd funding campaign takes a lot of work and Crate already has enough on their plate…

I also doubt there is enough interest for this to succeed

Let us pretend there are only 2 options:

  1. Improve GD1 MP using existing code base
  2. Develop new code base, with MP focus from the beginning, for GD2

Where do you invest your money?

I am pretty sure that improving MP in the context of the existing code base, would take about as many man hours as starting over from scratch and it will never be as good as MP from a code base that was designed for it.

So yeah, me too, I wish GD1-MP was a lot better, but I suspect it is just not really worth it in the long run, as it would be far better to just have a new engine ready to make many more future aRPG games. I doubt this highly modified TQ Engine that reeks of bailing wire and duct tape will be used for anything more than inspiration in the future.

not worth it… besides they are saving money to develop the most awaited hello kitty island town builder :wink:

I hope they never have closed servers.

mm very smart! You don’t like competition but maybe others yes!

Except Grim Dawn was obviously made to be single player focused and not have any sort of competition between anybody.

I’m honestly getting kind of sick and tired that every ARPG nowadays “needs” to have some sort of online competitive or that some people think they need to. Long gone are the days that people enjoyed a game for its single player, nowadays everything needs to have competitive multiplayer shoved in the game, even if it makes sense or not.

The current multiplayer Grim Dawn is more than enough, it allows people to play with others. No need to waste resources to add some sort of competitive, when those same resources can used to improved the single player mode.

Everyone has their own opinions and they’re all correct.

Aside from something especially egregious, leave it at that.