Current state of acid retaliation?

I’m really enjoying the playstyle so far but don’t want to invest too heavily into a Sentinel if it’ll burn out at endgame…is there any decent item support for acid retal yet?

Also a basic mechanics question, if Safeguard adds to fire damage and Righteous Ferver/Aegis are converted to Acid, is that bonus damage added first and converted too? Assuming yes, just making sure :slight_smile:

As far as I know acid retal is pretty underperforming, sorry.

Actually, your assumption is wrong. %damage bonuses are not converted, only flat ones. Safeguard has flat phys damage which would be converted.

Thank you :pray: guess I’ll go warlord again :weary:

So the % is added “after” conversion, good to know!

you can read about conversions here 🤯 malawiglenn’s guide on game mechanics for beginners

what is end game in GD anyway? I can pretty much with my “Blue” acid aegis sentinel build tbh

If you want acid retal archon is surprising the best option I’ve found with acid grasping vines
since im at home now this is my character
I originally used bramblevine but the full set seems to be better. You lose a small amount of damage on vines but the gains are too much to pass up.

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partially correct… a skill modifier like that will change % damage values on the skill line, but not from outside sources. example: on righteous fury with dreegs reproach, the %physical damage on the skill will be %acid damage… but the %physical from safeguard wont be added as %acid, it will stay physical.

SR 75+ and Gladiator 150-170 :stuck_out_tongue:

haha not many builds left that can do that stuff :wink:

Why is SR 75+ in the same pot as 150-170? If anything, SR 65-66 is about the equivalent of 150-170. SR 75+ is way scarier.

The build I linked can do sr65 and 170. Probably higher on SR… I just haven’t tried