Current state of TSS

Few casters are able to keep up in the current end game meta. DW melee are sporting godly single target damage and concentrated aoe, and pets are wrecking havoc.
Arcanist as a class has seen much better days. PRM is a top candidate for the worst skill in the game and TSS is a bit outdated. I decided to test current performance of TSS vs Ravager to clearly see single target damage potential. All builds are offensively built, demanding a lot from the pilot to survive.

Builds tested
Trozan with full TSS mods 1:32 Ravager
Cold converted TSS with mods 1:52 Ravager
Trozan with Cataclysm set 1:39 Ravager

Lastly i tested the freshly buffed Eternal Storms off-hand, where i just swapped the off-hand on the full Trozan set build, which saw the best timer with 1:23

To me it seems like TSS needs a good boost to the base skill. No TSS set is doing wonders afaik.


You are able to kill Ravager with these builds? And so fast? How? I would understand 5 mins of running around but this is almost like facetanking time… I don’t even try killing Ravager with much sturdier builds…

Calcs are a bit off. Pulled some points for 12/12 mirror which covers most sunders. Sustain is good for facetank outside of sunder (cold version is sketchy), health pot if needed. If you dont have mirror ready for sunder you need to evade/cluster

They have no armor/phys res… I don’t understand how anyone can kill Ravager with these builds even with mirror 12/12 and yet so fast. Quite frankly if you can do it then I don’t see any problem here…

Think of Ravager of Flesh as a target dummy for measuring DPS.

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But the new Celestials are practically unkillable :smiley: I was never able to do them with tougher builds. Only with the most OP builds… And I don’t understand how anyone can kill them so fast with quite frankly so lackluster build…

The key to fighting these celestials is to avoid sunder, once sundered they can one hit kill you.

I really like this because now you do need to think, not just make a tanky rock and keep blasting random buttons; it needs a bit of a tactical approach now.

Yeah but the time window when the icon appears and it hits you is so small that it is impossible for me to do it.

And if you have to avoid null when doing it… Too hard. I liked the previous celestials version a lot more.

For any of those 3 ravagers - start engaging and avoid once they do triple shits

For Mogdrogen - avoid his casting storm

For Calla - wing spam

Lokarr - his flaming waves

I am just not able to do it. And I play SR 90-95 regularly…


At the start, when they were completely re-designed… I also was a bit sad and depressed that all my builds “might have fallen off” but once you get used to it… I believe you can do it as well.

After all, they are celestials and not some random enemy… they aren’t meant to be taken too lightly. Believe me, avoid sunder, and once you go with the rhythm - magic happens.

EDIT: triple shits is what I call when Ravager stops all his attacks and slaps u 3 times.

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So I tried him with this build. And did it without pharma but took like 20 attempts (due to my poor skills)… it is really annoying how small the time window is compared to other sunders… And that was Ravager of Flesh… The other two are infinitely more annoying…

Sorry for off topic… But I really don’t understand killing him with glassy builds…

And yes TSS has lower damage but when I look at the builds I see the defenses as more problematic…

You probably know, but 100% cold conversion is easier with Spectral Bludgeon - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database

Not that it’s not going to make TSS much better.

Defenses can easily be improved but that means at the cost of damage, which TSS is already lacking. This was not meant as some all round, ultimate version of TSS builds but rather a test for the damage potential.

I can upload a video for you later, if that helps you

I still don’t understand how you are able to kill him with that build… I am just not that good at fighting Celestails…

I figured trozan scepter with +projectiles and global conversion would be more damaging. Reality is Shard of Asterkarn is probably bis

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@medea_fleecestealer or :zantai: Would you be so kind and separate a “Fighting Ravager” (or sth similar) thread with posts from here about it (in General Discussion I suppose)? I might write sth there too but it’s off-topic here.


Yeah might be. There’s actually quite a lot of items with support for TSS.

what about the current state of Allagast TSS? I assume the aether is not that good, and better if just go lightning on that one

without a video for this specific fight to know exactly how Nofika went about it, let me draw on past examples
“skill”/attention to detail/awareness, ie being better at dodging sunder swipe or arcane totems - this alone can be a make it or break it pilot interaction/difference
knowing the build setup/being comfortable with its features, ie layered defences, circuit breakers, Nulli/Mirror/Ulo and when to use them in the right moments or trust that they will work
(i once studied a vid where i kept dying, and the difference was simply simply backing off at key moments when cooldowns set int/breakers wore off, and trust in them enough to stand ground when they were active)
and suppose lastly there is/can be a compounding element of RNG,
i had the exact same issue where someone posted a cool af spellbreaker, it looked omega glassy for ravager fight, be OP had like a 9/10 success rate or something, where i had a 1/10 success rate (playing the build “as is”)
tqFan also noted a part of the build (potentially) contributing to this; Nulli was uncontrolable because OP had it on a frequent use attack skill. Reassigning Ulo’s nulli to a situational use skill/more controllable, meant effectively dispelling Howl on command reliably everytime, drastically increasing the success rate outside of OPs hands/removing a potential significant part of RNG element attributing to success/fail

i’m probably forgetting parts/elements.
TLDR, just because something appears glassy to “us”, doesn’t mean it necessarily suffers for it if it has stuff covered elsewhere outside of raw phys res/armour rating, or the “stuff” is covered by pilot hands :woozy_face: