Not going to lie, I bought the xpac purely because it had cyclone. I’m only level 11 but it’s so stupidly fun to just pretend I’m a lawn mower and run everything over. Like, breathe new life into the game kind of fun for me.
Problem is, since I’ve played the game so little, I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. I don’t know where to aim for devotions, I don’t even know a second class (there seem to be a few that look like they could work well but heck if I know, and I don’t want to pick wrong since you can’t respec). I’ve only put points into oath and cyclone so far, nothing else. Obviously the expansion just came out so there won’t be anything 100% concrete yet, but was hoping to get some ideas. Life leech of some kind seems really important? Aiming to someday get the Cyclone set seems like a decent idea, but that’s about all I know so far.
I am hoping the build will be 90% passives, buffs, and procs so I can mostly just hold down cyclone and win. Boring you say? Maybe for most, but not for me. I have peripheral neuropathy and it’s basically the only way I can play games without pain, with as little rapid clicking or fast reaction time as possible. I’m also a huge fan of lazy pet builds as you can imagine. Not looking for sympathy or anything like that, just figured I would mention it since “why don’t you play something that requires some thought” tends to come up a lot when I make requests in games =/
Thanks for whatever ideas you can come up with Fortunately I do know you can redo almost any decision you make, outside of class choice and attributes (I have spent none so far), but I am still loathe to just blindly throw stuff around, you know? My guess is I’ll end up as some kind of phys/spirit hybrid since that seems to be what the cyclone set needs, but I could be wrong.