Damage absorption and mechanics

Hi all! And one more question about the mechanics of damage absorption. Is the percentage damage formula still the same? Do I understand correctly that in this case all incoming damage is absorbed in the amount equal to % of damage absorption? So all types of damage up to that amount are absorbed, or how does it work? And also the absorption is flat or integer, here, as far as I know, all the absorption from different sources simply adds up. And, accordingly, the question is, as before, how does it work for different sources of damage? And which of these takeovers works first and how is the calculation between them carried out? First, one works, then the other, or simultaneously, and how is the absorption calculated correctly then? Thank you for your attention and I will be grateful for your tips))

Hello. Still an issue ))

Flat absorption is additive. 160 from Inqui seal and 130 from Ascension = 290 for example.
Relative absorption is multiplicative. 25% from Ishtak and 20% from Maiven is less than 45%, briefly said.
How and when other absorptions like crab, turtle and fiendflesh come into play, I dunno.


crab, turtle and fiendflesh is finite/“limited absorb”, it applies after resist and armour, but before regular %absorb and flat

in a dmg calc of 10k incoming dmg and 80resist
2k dmg left
turtle absorbs 2k - turtle has 4k absorb left
(your regular Maiven %absorb and flat didn’t get used)

since there are some conflicting older posts here is the updated order

looks like the post itself that’s quoted got scrubbed, i’m guessing it was part of a test forum cleanse after patch going live


It was in PM sent to me :sunglasses:
On the topic - I remember reading that some shields don’t interact like you’d want them to.
Might have been something like damage eating :crab: / :turtle: instead of being reduced by Ascension.
Not sure.

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I didn’t understand anything, but it’s very interesting))
So what do we have at the moment, does this system work or not?

  • Fumble, Dodge and Projectile Deflection
  • Chance to hit via Offensive Ability vs. Defensive Ability
  • Shield
  • % Reduced Damage from Monster Types
  • Resistances
  • Armor
  • Reduced Damage from Monster Types
  • % Damage Absorption
  • Damage Absorption

this is the system

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thank you, do you have it in print?

in the thread i linked

  • % total damage reduction
  • Fumbles/Impaired Aim
  • DA evasion
  • Evasion/Deflect
  • Low OA damage penalty
  • Block
  • Racial Reduction
  • Resistances
  • Armor
  • Limited Absorb (i.e. Crab)
  • % absorb
  • Flat absorb (i.e Ascension)
  • Health
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thank you very much for helping :slight_smile: