Damage conversion mechanics

Well that’s very good to know…

Also, if I have 50% conversion of cold (or ice :p) to chaos on a skill A that deals 50% cold and 50% chaos. This skill has a passive skill that gives +100% cold damage and +100% chaos damage. I also happen to have a ring that converts 10% cold to chaos and an overall +1000% chaos damage.

Would that mean, if A deals normally 100 cold and 100 chaos:
100*(1+1)0.5 (cold damage) +(100(1+1)0.5+100(1+1))*10 = 100 (cold) + 3000 (chaos)


100*(1+1)0.45 (cold damage) +(100(1+1)0.55+100(1+1))*10 = 90 (cold) + 3100 (chaos)


In other words, would conversion happen from the ring as well? Or damage is converted only once (at skill level due to priority)?
The underlying question is: if damage is converted only once, is it worth getting another (overall) conversion on an item to complete a skill-specific conversion?

-a damage or part of it can only be converted once. If 100% conversion has occured, nothing else happens. If there is a remaining unconverted amount, some further conversion can apply to this remainder only - if another conversion step is possible/present.

-at each step the total never goes over 100%, so conversion > 100% will be an adjusted weighting to 100%. All %conversion for that step adds into this total weighting.

-in conversion calculations %elemental is considered as a distinct damage type from individual fire/cold/lit conversions. Thus when both %ele and %fire/cold/lit conversion is present, %ele is not additive to 100% with fire/cold/lit, it is multiplicative - because they are done in separate steps. So this special case is essentially a sub-step within each step, when both are present.

To summarize the order:

  1. skill level conversion ie. skill line converted to type(s). Possibly less than 100%. Usually item or skill transmuter. The entire connected skill line is calculated before conversion happens.
  2. general conversion …will convert any not-already-converted by skill modifiers; converts the leftover.
  3. armor piercing converts some of any leftover physical, if there is an armor piercing value.
  4. apply general % bonus to appropriate flat values converted for the total damage of type.

Ah ok, thanks a lot. So conversion does not happen only once, but happens in the order of priorities until it reaches 100%.
So I can pile up conversion, cheers! :slight_smile:

Sorry to be blunt but this is all wrong. :eek:

95% sure he’s correct. Deadly Momentum is an activated buff, not a skill modifier.

If %phys on fighting spirit aplied to all weapon damage and flat phys in cadence BEFORE CONVERSION, like he says, and then the converted dmg was multiplied AGAIN by your global elemental/chaos dmg modifier…phew…you’d have discord/voidsteel cadence dealing 2-3 times more total dmg. Test it. Remove fighting spirit, see discord cadence dmg on your char sheet, then take fs to 11/12 and see if the damage doubled. Same with fire forcewave and rending force.

He mistook “skill modifier” as in “skill mod from gear” (which was meant in the official guide) with “skill modifier” as in “next node in the skill tree”. Nobody’s fault, really. Every second thing in this game is called “modifier” :wink:

ya_ is ya. I mean right. The other guy just made a small mistake. Not a big deal, stop fighting, drink rum together and eat oranges. :slight_smile:

Didn’t he write that the %phys damage was additive with the +%chaos?

Who the hell is talking about Fighting Spirit?! :confused:

Also, +% Damage is always additive even when dealing with conversion. If you have +300% Damage on a skill modifier and +300% Damage to a resultant damage type after conversion, it behaves as though you have +600% damage to the resultant damage type, not +900% (or whatever you think it does).

Wow, I did not realise damage conversion would such a heated topic :smiley:
At least it’s very informative. When the discussion settles and I have time I will update the first post with the answers and maybe give a few examples to illustrate, so if someone is ever looking for the info it will be easier to find.

There is no step specifically for “skill mod from gear”. They act as a transmuter. In general just imagine the transmuter or gear mod text as being applied onto the skill, then run the order:

  1. Base Skill - This is the whole skill tree less skill modifiers
  2. Skill Modifiers - This is all the modifiers in the skill tree, included any from transmuters or gear mods, but does not include conversion!
  3. Conversion on the Skill or Transmuter - Any conversion on the skill, including any from gear mods or transmuters.
  4. Conversion on Equipment and Buffs - Any other conversion
  5. Equipment, Auras and Passives - Non skill modifiers.

Sorry, my bad. I meant fighting form all along not fighting spirit.

Ceno’s right about fighting form’s +%phys adding to total dmg of converted Cadence. Seems it was me who was wrong. I jumped to a conclusion that what LivaN meant as “before conversion” was “separately from the global %chaos/elemental dmg modifier aplied after conversion”

My apologies to LivaN.