One of the weirdest design choices i noticed in the game, is giving spammable skills like Dreegs eyes, fireballs, Storm Totems, Wind Devils etc. a dot component that does NOT stack its damage from multiple hits.
I know, it was probably done for balance reasons, but it feels not only pointless, but illogical.
If you spray something with some acid, or fire, or electrocute something, how the heck adding more acid, fire or power fails to damage things faster?
The reason i ask, is that after playing through the game on multiple, different characters, direct damage easily trumps dots for this very reason.
Dreeg and Wind devils for example suffer from this horrible, since you both require spamming the skill for reliable damage and when you hit the target few times per second, the dot component is almost wasted.
So yeah, dot stacking from the same source? At least up to some limit, like say… 5 instances?
If DoT stacked, my bleedster would hit for about 1 million per tick. Right now he hits for ~250k per tick for 9 - 12 seconds (don’t remember exactly), so that’s 2250k - 3000k damage. Imagine it stacking, I’d literally hit 9 - 12 millions over the full duration. Now, taking in account my main attack, Savagery, which hits for 13k per tick + base bleed, which is about… well too much, 50k I think, it’d be retardingly OP. I’d probably oneshot few nemesis and kill Ravager/Mogdrogen in like a minute.
I would say NO! to stacking bleeds, even though that sounds like a good idea. Crate does have a point, and they will not bother re-designing and re-balancing DoTs. If they did, we’d deal less DPS, but if we stacked it we’d deal about the same amount.
It does make sense. The CD ones do more dot, the no CD ones do less. And you stack from different sources.
And more acid doesn’t mean more Dot even if you apply it to the real world. You put acid on something (apply the dot) it does the damage that the potency of acid can inflict. You reapply the acid and all you do is maintain the same effect, it will not increase in potency…you need a strong CD based acid for that;)
Btw: does the poison damage from Nidallas Hidden Hand stack?
I mean if I hit the enemy with Belgothians Shears, then with Amarastas Quick Cut and then with Whirling Death?
Same skill/proc dot never stacks with itself. It refreshes.
Where refreshes = overwrite if higher, or note duration and append after higher current is expired, with reduced duration as appropriate to when/if eventually applied.
Dot is a bit one-dimensional and could use some support in a manner similar to %AS (items, devotions). Maybe %increased dot nodes/items. This could make some of the under-used devotions more interesting.
Also, from what I can tell from comparisons, bleed is perhaps a bad dot example …it can consistently double? most other types for dps. Poison probably suffers the most due to lack of RR item support (limited weapons and no rings); acid/poison is more common with pets and pet overkill due to BoD, etc.
I can understand that, but at the same time, dot components in spammable skills like Dreeg’s Evil eye just drag the skill down. It’s annoying as hell that you have to pick the transmuter just to make the skill NOT waste so much of its damage.