would love to see a side option for ultimate that turns all areas into dangerous regions. could be like how normal has veteran as a side option.
If all areas are marked that way, then none stands out. And I would have to look at that big banner all the time.
Base game doesn’t have these “domains” at all and I liked it much more that way. Now I enter an area and a banner appears. It’s big, so it must be important, right? No, it isn’t. It doesn’t mean much. I still don’t know why it was added.
the base game absolutely has them. it would be an optional side difficulty like veteran is for normal. dont like it? dont use it. simple.
im not saying replace ultimate with this.
i feel like if ultimate were to get a side difficulty i’d much more prefer it just got a veteran modifier, since MC dangerous areas mutators doesn’t really add that much extra, meanwhile normal vs veteran is dope, so getting such significant boost to Ultimate, optionally, would be doper than mild dangerous areas being everywhere, imo
ofc it’s never gonna happen been rebuffed repeatedly (sadly),
but i think that’s the amount/that’s how much the optional “difficulty scaling” option should be around, not merely the dangerous areas, which in most parts feel more “cosmetic” than actually dangerous, in Main Campaign
i prefer mutators over “increase general HP/Damage” im not looking for HP bloat. i love the dangerous areas addition. it would turn every area into sort of a challenge mode area rather than just turning ultimate into nightmare mode.
of course though i wouldnt be against them adding both. lets people have more choices on how they would like to engage with the game.
i think that’s my point, dangerous areas don’t do that atm, “at all”
any and all dangerous areas in Ultimate doesn’t feel any different at all, because it doesn’t really do anything outside the skeleton key areas; enemies are too weak by default/as is for the dangerous area effects to do anything
even spawning a nemesis in a dangerous area outside skeleton key dungeons doesn’t feel very impactful
meanwhile upping their base dmg, oa etc scaling like veteran does, would then feel like a “dangerous”/challenge increase
there are basically 4-6 dangerous areas where the effect plays in, skeleton key dungeons, and crate+lokarr, all the others feel basically no different
*even while leveling, even in non-bis/non full end legend kit
normal vs veteran however you immediately feel, it’s not just hp bloat, they do significant more dmg, is more dangeours etc
so adding similar increased “veteran” dmg dangerous scaling additional difficulty modifier option would then imo actually feel more impact, - where as turning the entire top world to dangerous area would basically just be cosmetic in effect, top right UI change is all, because it doesnt’ add anything to the existing scaling/significant impact to base world monster effects
only when you are low level and have no gear of note worth. after level 35 veteran turns back into normal for me atleast.
Edit: this is something that is just par for the course. you will become so brokenly powerful that no matter what they put into the game to increase difficulty, you will out gear it.
atleast making all the regions into dangerous regions do not call for a massive rebalance of all gear where adding a difficulty above the highest one will most certainly need it to match the boosted enemy stats.
again as i said. im not apposed to both being put in but im not going to argue against options. dont like it? dont use it.
again, my point is it wont
you’re powerful on Ultimate, right now, as is, even in dangerous areas, on current gear stats
adding a veteran’ish modifier would not require a rebalance of gear, because current gear/stats is already powerful enough - but a dangerous area change would do “nothing” compared, because it’s not enough/doesn’t do “anything” atm as is in MC
good examples are act 1 dangerous area on ultimate or act 2 or act 3
walking from tyrant’s hold unmodified area into arkovian docks area feels absolutely the same/no difference in challenge, not even if Fabius spawn there
the hard part of Coliseum isn’t being a dangerous area because it’s a dangerous area, Mossi spawning there does nothing extra compared to when he spawns outside
the sole dangerous thing these things have in common are celestial totems, because the scions hits hard
act 7 dangerous beetle area at Cairan docks feels no more dangerous than the Cairan docks ruin city you were just in
etc etc etc
likewise, while veteran might become easier at lvl 35+ because gear and points, it’s still much less easier than normal at lvl 35+ too compared
obv i wouldn’t be opposed to both things being added at the same time, my point just is that the top world dangerous area modifiers actually doesn’t do “anything”/enough, compared to what a veteran’ish type modifier does, hence for challenge/"dangerous area"increase at minimum it would have to be a veteran modifier first, otherwise all we’re getting is basically just a UI change
hope it make sense
maybe the gear we have is just too strong but i dont want grim dawn to adopt PoE’s OHKO style of play. one of the great things about Grim Dawn is build diversity. OHKO will ruin that.
agree, but considering how strong current gear is, even leveling item drops, i don’t think it would come close to that style even with a veteran’ish type modifier
but in the end, doesn’t really matter, since Devs have repeatedly rebuffed the idea of Ultimate optional modifiers
would have to mod it in
Clarification: base game doesn’t have “domains”. They appear only after you install expansions.
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