Firstly, thanks Crate for the great balance patch! Ranged builds are in a really good spot right now. Except Darkblaze, in my humble opinion (I’m not a CR speedrunner, or GDstasher who tests builds). Before the patch landed I was doing consistent 65-66 runs. The build felt glassy but the damage more or less compensated for that. It is a glass cannon after all. But after the nerfs it is more glass than cannon. And all it got in return for the nerfs was bleed res? Now SR runs are slower and less consistent. I highly doubt this build can complete SR 75-76, as it felt too glassy at around shard 72, and I gave up after lots of deaths. So what can be done to fix the set? (if it’s even in a bad spot-who knows; some nerd is probably running sub 4 mins with Darkblaze lol)
Some adtch mod to FS, like 5% maybe.
Some % racial damage to Eldritch (fits thematically and would help in SR imo)
Or just reverse the nerfs, idk.
Thanks for reading, please don’t hesitate to tell me the thousand things that are wrong with my build and how stupid I am. Till next time!
Switch your medal to Korvaak’s Brand, this will make your build much sturdier due to adcth on Firestrike and passthrough on the granted skill.
You can also try switching your relic to Plunderer’s Talisman, but you will lose quite a few skill points and slow res so that might not be the best trade-off. I tried it regardless and was able to beat SR76 without any issues, maybe I got lucky with nemeses and mutators but it felt pretty good.
I’m currently working on fixing my low slow res and a few other things, if you want I can post my setup later.
Sure thing! I really don’t want to switch medal due to skill points and conversion; and the slow res and demo skills are too valuable on the relic to change imo.
Just kinda found it weird that Harbinger and Rahzin was buffed and darkblaze was nerfed, hoping for some buffs on Darkblaze and I think it will be just fine! Was watching Rekt’s commentary on the patch notes and he said the same thing.
Edit: racial dmg on the medal helps vs Fabius, Alex and Iron Maiden as well.
I had the same concerns but after the switch my survivability was definitely better. You get a good amount of conversion from the helmet and the ring, so conversion from the medal isn’t really needed in my opinion. But I agree the other stats like racial damage are pretty good so I can see why it remains a tough decision
I agree, I tried both relics and while having an extra passthrough WPS is nice, I wouldn’t wanna miss the stats on Korvaak’s Deception. Anyway here’s my current setup, I was able beat SR80 deathless with fairly neutral mutators. Pyromancer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
I’m sure this is far from optimal, my biggest concern is the lack of freeze res but hey it works if I’m really careful. Btw even without racial dmg bonus from the medal I was able to kill Fabius before he even started reflecting, other humans went down very fast too.
I found it weird too, since I haven’t heard of Darkblaze breaking any records (although I admit I’m not really paying attention that much). Maybe someone came up with a crazy passthrough Purifier that warranted the nerfs, but I’m not sure if Pyro really deserved it.