Deathmarked Claw/Decapitator vs. Crescent Moon

So I’m working on a Cold/Pierce build right now, and I’m trying to decide on my end game equipment right now.

With the items I plan on using, I’ll get a big +5 to nightblade skills, as well as all the bonuses that the Deathmarked set gives. However, I’m wondering if I should drop theClaw or the Decapitator in favor of the Crescent Moon?

The skill for having all 5 deathmarked items seems nice, giving 10% lowered resistance to cold and pierce on an enemy, as well as some cold damage, and the weapons themselves are nice, but the Crescent Moon has a skill with -15% cold resistance and -100 OA/DA as well as giving me another +1 to all my nightblade skills. Is it worth the trade?

Edit: and while I’m at it… Is Nemesis or Belgothian’s Carnage more worthwhile?

Are you doing more pierce or cold damage? The value heavily skews which is more important for you, as if you do 60% cold over pierce, you probably are better served by Moon, but if 50/50 or in favor of pierce, I’d probably go the Claw/Decap combo.

It’s certainly heavier on the Cold side. Guess I’ll go with Moon then. Should i replace Claw or Decap? I think Claw might be more important since Blade’s of Nadaan needs a sword to get the benefits.


Deathmarked weapons are by far the best weapons in the game, there is never a reason to replace them. Who cares about +1 NB, you have +5 already with the set + belt + ammy + relic. Also, the set completion bonus is great because of physical resistance.

And Belgothian’s >>>>>>>>> Nemesis.

About the relic, Nemesis might sound better at first glance and a pet is always nice while Belgotian’s reduced cooldown might sound kinda useless since your skills already have low CD but you quickly realize that the CD reduction from Belgotian’s carnage shortens the CD of skills you wanna spam as much as possible like pneumatic burst and shadow strike and even if they already have a low CD, to half them will make you much more powerful.

entirely depends on your build!

Deathmarked weapons are good, especially with the on-crit procs, however they aren’t always the best choice!

…also, +all skills in ‘x’ isn’t always better as it depends how many skills you are trying to maximize and where u want your skillpoints! (a +3 to a specific skill can be more helpful than +1s to lots of skills u have just put a point in to because u have lots of +skills)!

As for Nemesis vs. Belgothian’s, again it really depends on your build! My spell-breaker gets ~1000 on sheet DPS more with Nemesis than Belgothian’s carnage, which combined with DPS (& devotion attached proc) from Nemesis makes it a better choice for that particular build, though, as mentioned above, if you are planning on spamming Shadowstrike, then Belgothian’s is a great choice!

i would skip the mace, the claw is faster and has a better proc imo.

No, stop giving bad advice. If the weapons did nothing but the on-crit 0 cd aoe procs, they would be the best choice.

Here’s a test you can easily make. Equip the full set on your dw BM/SB. Bind move on your LMB instead of attack. Run around a dungeon moving onto your enemies instead of attacking them. See just how much damage you do from procs triggered by Veil of shadow? Ok, now stop giving bad advice to new players.

I’m not a new player though, I’ve been playing since the Pre-release on steam.
And please, if you’re going to tell me which is better, I would like it if it’s explained why it’s better.

Thank you to everyone for the advice though. I’ll try out this stuff and see how it all works.

don’t be a tool!..did u even read what I wrote?

u r going to look pretty silly making a 2H build using a single handed weapon

—what u should have said in your reply rather than flaming other posters was something like:

“IMO Deathmarked set is the best, because I want my build to look like every other dual-wield build around and I don’t have any creativity to make other items work to my advantage”

lol. if he has to skip one of them, it should be the decapitator. thats all i said.

btw i also run the DM set with only the Claw + Venomslash and guess what? i kill Fabius in under 10 seconds with my setup.
Can’t do that mit Claw+Decap. it all depends on your build. noob.

Can u post a video “kill Fabius in under 10 seconds”

For reference, here’s the buildI’m working on. It was originally going to be a Spellbreaker, but i felt it would end up being too squishy. It’s currently sitting at level 58.

I’ve got alot of equipment planned for the end game of this.

Deathmark set: 1 2 3 4 5

Crescent Moon
Night’s Embrace

Closed fist and Open Hand from the Judicator’s set
Chausses of Barbaros

Grasp of Unchained Might
Mark of Dark Dreams
Windshear Greaves
Blade Breaker Sash

Belgothian’s Carnage/Nemesis

And please don’t escalate this thread into an argument. I just need advice.

Why not? I’ve done it before :stuck_out_tongue:

My vote is for the deathmarked set. The pros for the crescent are you get more points for your build, but if your gear is fully fleshed out you probably won’t be in need of said points very much or at all. Then you have the debuff which I can’t deny is pretty sweet, but it’s only useful vs boss/nemesis. More is always better with resist reduction unless you start giving up stuff for it. I just dropped my claw and swapped in an axe and I lost ~5k or 18-19%ish of my sheet dps and that doesn’t count that with lower attack speed I will be triggerin procs. Both of the deathmarked weapons are outright better in every other category. Flat damage, % modifiers, attack speed, resists, and they both have a no cooldown on crit proc which are super nice

I think Belgothian’s Carnage is the far and away the best relic for blademaster. The cooldown reduction mechanic is fricken awesome and it has flat piercing damage! I have 199% attack speed so I guess the total speed of Nemesis is wasted on me, but the flat piercing damage on it contributes greatly to my dps much more so than Nemesis. The little chunk of OA is nice and the DA debuff is cool for bosses!

edit: Just saw your grim calc/gear. I think you should be fine without the ele/slow res of decorated soldier and it isn’t offering much damage. Same goes for maxing nightfall. I may be remembering wrong as it was quite awhile ago, but I toyed with it before and the I found the damage to not be amazing and we already get 8/12 or w/e for one point depending on our gear. Overmaxing dual blades providers a very big and consistent dps. If you can find the points somewhere 5 in markovian’s advantage and more in fighting spirit is good too. I do understand the appeal of going big on shadow strike it’s awesome :smiley: If you use both Night’s Embrace, Mark Dreams and the Chausses you are definitely gonna run into some resistance issues. Wraithborne Legs Legwraps of the Tranquil mind both offer decent OA while giving resists.

What do you recommend pulling points off of for markovian/Fighting spirit?
Pulling Decorated soldier and Nightfall to 1 each, and then maxing Dual blades and bringing Oleron’s Rage up to 10/12 to replace the lost from the Chausses doesn’t leave me with anything extra.

Also, does my Devotion lineup look okay?

In terms of clear/damage I think bladmaster is best not going the whirlpool route, though I have a 2nd whirpool blademaster and it’s not much worse plus whirlpool looks cool :stuck_out_tongue: I’m going out for a bit, but I’ll post a few setups when I get back as there is some cool different options. Just looking at this it’s too defensive. I would drop behemoth and chariot so fast as well as Rhowan’s. With open hand+night’s chill we already have a lot of cold reduction and this constellation doesn’t offer much besides ele resist, a cold debuff, and some lackluster damage. Black Star offers 25 reduced all vs the I believe 30 ele of storm at max rank (or is it 25?) if you desire more resist.

If you haven’t played a BM in ultimate before it might sound weird not having some defensive stuff, but honestly pneumatic burst is op. Combined with pots/belgo’s cdr reduction you have so many heals. I ran dryad for the longest time, but I dropped it recently in favor of almost fully offensive devotions and I barely notice the loss

Honestly, the best advice anyone can give is to experiment with the different gear setups to see what playstyle suits you better!

At level 58 u should already be able to start playing with Crescent Moon so time to see how that sits before u can even use the Deathmarked!

Also, you could always use one Deathmarked and one other to still get the +2 set bonus with chest, head & shoulders!

Except the shoulders in the DM set absolutely suck!

…I would probably find at least 2 points for Warcry / Break Morale unless you are going to use the Kymon’s enemy Damage reduction on some of your jewellery!

Also, using Oleron’s Rage, I would want to max out dual Blades as you get flat Pierce damage & % from dual blades whilst a % from Oleron’s Rage! Difficult to say where to take the points from, however I don’t think you need so many ranks in Scars of Battle, similarly with Squad Tactics (in Ultimate ranks the bonuses scale off very quickly)

The thing with Blademasters is there is just so much you can dump points into & you can easily spread yourself too thin in some areas. Honestly I’d drop Shadowstrike line down to 1 point in each and just use it as an escape or close the gap skill (tie Whirlpool to it).

Then like others mentioned bump Dual Blades to at least 16/16 dropping points from Scars of Battle if needed. Use Shard of Beronath on a weapon and make Beronath Fury as your main attack (tie Falcon Swoop to it).

If you dont need the total speed don’t bother with Nemesis relic. IF you do happen to use it then tie Elemental Storm or Falcon Swoop to the pet, they’ll proc a lot.