mi023 can you confirm a DEE interaction
on appearance it seems like Blood Burst is affected too
i tried using tqFan’s build, in modded setting so DEE had fixed dmg
then i tried eliminating vile eruption and blood burst, i got 42k dmg on regular hits and 25k dmg on the lesser hits (thus assuming the 25k was left hand cycle), = 17k dmg discrepancy on my setup/via the WD modifiers
But, adding in Blood Burst, i expected discrepancy to remain tho dmg increases, as Burst is Secondary effect not affected by its modifiers/normal interactions; but the dmg discrepancy increased. 71k high 40k lows = 31k dmg discrepancy; a 14k increase (which i’m assuming is from Blood Burst’s innate WD then)
Does this mean Blood Burst is affected by the right hand/left hand cycling 0 weapon dmg application on left cycles/can you confirm this? (or am i perhaps just overlooking something?)