Delete Cloud Saves

I have been playing GD for months from both my work PC and my home PC and I’ve never had a big problem but now for some reason this last week my game no longer updates from my work PC to my home PC. I don’t know if the save isn’t uploading (from work) or if it isn’t downloading (to my home) but from either PC when I close the game I see steam syncing.

Today I backed up the saves on my home PC of both the local saves (\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn) and the steam cloud folder (\Steam\userdata#####\219990) and then delete the originals. After reopening steam it synced and when I opened the game it it was still the non-updated save that I had. I then closed steam, re-deleted the folders and went to my work PC.

Once there I opened the game to see the save is still the latest progress I’ve made, so I went to the in-game Network settings and clicked on “Delete Cloud Saves”. It gave me a warning saying “Are you sure you want to delete all characters and data stored in the cloud”. I accepted and to my horror it deleted everything including my local save data on the work PC! Is it normal? Is there any way to restore the local save of my work PC?

No, not if you haven’t made a back up of it.

Alright well I guess I’ll have to say goodbye to the progress I’ve made this last week.

But I would still like to know: why did this delete the local save too? Is it the normal behavior? If it is, shouldn’t the warning be more accurate?

If you’ve backed up the saves from home, can you not simply put them on your work pc?

Please remember than if you’re using Steam cloud saving it ONLY saves in the cloud location and DOESN’T save in the local location. I’m surprised to find it deleted you local saves, though were there any saves in there in the first place if you’re using cloud saving?

Are you sure you had any saves in the local location as Steam cloud ONLY uses the cloud folders? It doesn’t save to both local and Steam if using Steam saving.

As you’ve backed up your home saves, can you not simply place them on your work pc?

I am now back home and I copied the backups I made and put them back in their original folders but now there is nothing when I go back into the game :frowning:

What can I do to get my characters back?? I don’t mind losing a week’s progression but losing everything is a nightmare. I put over 800 hours into this T_T

Edit: I tried creating a new character to go check if if there was anything in-game and it seems that my entire shared stash is exactly the same. Basically, I lost all my characters but the rest is still there…

Edit 2: I tried creating a character with a classic name I always used and the old character from the save that wouldn’t update originally on my home PC popped up. I was super relieved but when I tried to enter the game it popped back to the main screen and he dissappeared. I can do this for all my old characters but none stay…

hold on to those, as long as you have these you should at most have lost a week of progress…

After reopening steam it synced and when I opened the game it it was still the non-updated save that I had. I then closed steam, re-deleted the folders and went to my work PC.

Once there I opened the game to see the save is still the latest progress I’ve made, so I went to the in-game Network settings and clicked on “Delete Cloud Saves”. It gave me a warning saying “Are you sure you want to delete all characters and data stored in the cloud”. I accepted and to my horror it deleted everything including my local save data on the work PC! Is it normal? Is there any way to restore the local save of my work PC?

No idea, I do not use cloud saves. So your (\Steam\userdata#####\219990 dir on the work PC is now empty ?

What happens when you copy the \Steam\userdata#####\219990 data back and then start the game ? Do you see your char list again and can you play them ? I assume that failed or you would not be posting here…

What if you create a char by the same name in game but do not play it, instead exit the game, copy your backup over it and then start the game again to play it ?

1: It’s not empty, I can see all the characters I used to have in there have file names but they don’t show in my main menu unless I try to create it again.

2: You assumed right.

3: Just tried that, didn’t work :frowning:

When you create a new char, is that in the Steam cloud save dir (\Steam\userdata#####\219990) or the local dir (\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn) ?
Try with a completely new char (name) to be sure.

Not sure why the chars would be in the cloud save dir but not show up in GD when you are using cloud save… so are you maybe not using it ? That would also explain why nothing got synced…

Nice confusing post. :stuck_out_tongue:

What I Do remember from my time when I was using steam cloud is, that when you disable cloud saving, in the GD or steam, the local save data will probably be used as default every time you load up the game.
If you haven´t used them in a while, they will be super old, and what you copy in the cloud save folder is irrelevent, because it simply won´t get used.
Are you sure cloud saving is enabled in steam adn the GD client?
Maybe this helps. Sorry for your trouble. What a mess. :o

First off - Check that you have Steam cloud saving enabled in grim dawn options.

What location exactly are you placing the saved chars.

Have you tried placing the saves in the local save and see if they work.

Please check my thread here for all the exact locations for both cloud and local saves and make sure you are placing the saves in the correct folder

I created a new character and it was saved only in the steam cloud folder 219990.

I completely saved the folders “save” of “\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save” and “219990” of “\Steam\userdata#####\219990” and those are what I’m trying to put back rather than the characters themselves individually. I always put both folders back to where they were. A few times I tried deleting the new folders and putting the old ones there instead and some other times I put the old ones there and let the newly created ones by the game and the old ones merge together.

I have both the steam settings’ cloud and the GD setting’s cloud enabled.

I checked your thread Jaknet and I was able to restore my characters by following these instructions:
Disable Steam cloud saving in the Grim Dawn options > general pane.
Exit Grim Dawn and exit Steam
Copy the entire save folder from the Steam location.
Paste the save folder into the Grim Dawn folder overwriting the save folder already there.
Start Grim Dawn and play.

The problem now is that my save seems to be local only and if I re-enable the GD settings’ Cloud Save option they all go away again.

p.s. sorry for the delay in response, I went to sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, by disabling cloud save and placing your cloud files in the local dir, you now have local chars. That is the last resort if everything else fails (ie the cloud continues to interfere by refusing yoyr chars).

I have no idea why it refuses your chars when they are in the cloud save dir however. The only thing I can think if is that they do not sync to the cloud for some reason, so when you select a char from your cloud dir, the cloud throws you out of the game because it does not find the char on its side.
This would also explain why the progress you made on the work PC did not get reflected on the home PC, it never made it to the cloud and therefore not on the home PC either.

No idea why the cloud would not get your data however… and on two PCs on top of that

Well if anybody knows why the cloud won’t accept my save or how I can upload my current local save to remplace what is in the cloud I would appreciate it.

I’m not 100% sure but shouldn’t you need to have the game “accept” your saves locally 1st, and then change from local to cloud in the settings?

No right now if I’m on local (GD setting’s “Enable Cloud” unchecked) my save is fine and all characters are there. But as soon as I check the Cloud Save it goes back to being all gone (except the two characters I created when I had nothing to check where it would save them). Basically, it won’t upload my save to the cloud. And weirdly enough I had to put my Cloud’s data in my local save folder to make the local save actually work. Before that, even if I cut the cloud and went local it was still empty.

there is nothing weird about that. Disabling cloud save does exactly that, you see your local chars but no longer your cloud chars. The two are distinct sets unless you copy them between the two dirs…

Just tried to do it myself and it also failed.

Sorry, dude: can’t help you with this :frowning:

What I meant is that both files had the same characters but I got my characters back in “local mode” only after copying the ones in the cloud save to the local folder. I don’t see why it read them differently even though it was essentially the same.

I did it! I was able to restore my cloud save!!!

After being in this state of having my characters in local play only I went back to “Cloud Saving” in GD setting’s. I restarted the game and only the two new characters were there so I went to Network Settings’ pannel and clicked again on Delete Cloud Save. After that I unchecked the “Cloud Saving” and when I went back to the main menu the game said “Cloud Storage is enabled, would you like to upload your save?” so I did and now it’s all good :smiley: (and I re-checked Cloud Saving in the settings before closing the game to let it sync)