Deleting scores from the crucible?? HOW?

I have been doing some testing for the crucible and as a result, I have a lot of Peronal scores for it. However, I would like to delete those and have a “clean start” for my characters for the crucible. The only problem, is that I cannot find how I can wipe/delete the current scores listed.

Does anyone know how to do this? (removing scores from the crucible)??

Just guessing but did you try to delete leaderboard.brd from your Grim Dawn/save folder?

You are the best!! Thank you, that worked.

(Side Note: I also don’t like messing around with deleting the files in GD, as I screwed up last time I did it, and deleted all of my stash on accident.)

Well, replace the word delete with move-to-another-location-for-safe-keeping.

And as to the stash, it needs to be deleted from time to time, it keeps filling up with crap :D;)

Sorry to dig up a dead thread, however I thought it was better to do that than make a redundant thread asking the same exact question. Only difference is…did the files move? Because there is nothing in my safe folder.