Developers who don't understand

I don’t know why there are products that cannot be sold and products that cannot be purchased in the trading system.
Even if there was a storage period, wheat would be better for trading, but it cannot be sold.
However, flour can be sold. Isn’t it strange? There are many items that are overly expensive compared to the resources they cost. Why can’t users create crude weapons? Is everything possible because this is fantasy? Because it’s a fantasy, is it okay to create it and not modify it?
Is it difficult? Aren’t these things that can be corrected if you put in a little effort? I can only see the purpose of making livestock more expensive to increase content. At the same time, the sale of livestock was blocked for fear of ruining the balance. Can’t you think of building a public bathhouse to take a bath, hiring an accountant in the town center to prevent corruption, or adjusting the difficulty level in the second half with creative ideas like these?

Yeah, that’s my kind of jokes! Beginning a message about ‘Developers who don’t understand’ with ‘I don’t know’ is a decent pun :wink:

In terms of content - I agree on the one hand, having some unsellable items is not purely logical. On the other hand, having the same probabilty for a trader offering any deal seems odd as well, so if changes are to be made, they should not be too harsh.

After all, this is nothing that takes away too much fun of playing this amazing game :slight_smile:

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Isn’t this something that takes away much of the fun? Selling glass bottles in bulk feels like cheating. I’m thinking about going all-in on glass bottles and running the village. I think this takes away a lot of the fun. If this task requires a lot of effort. I won’t tell you. You only need to modify the existing product production line and price.

I don’t know about you, but I was able to get wheat as a sell-off a few times already.

I’m talking about something strange. I also buy wheat sometimes. But I can’t sell wheat. That’s the problem. Why are only one-way transactions possible?

Have you ever tried to sell bread or flour to a bakery? Guess they would only think about buying the flour, but not the bread. So my apologies, but this is kind of an odd question: Not everybody / every trader is in need of the things he*she sells.

If this is your point, I got it wrong in the first place and thus have to withdraw my agreeing. My point builds on the fact that there are some resources that never want to be traded - but my experiences might be limited through my rather little playtime!

Merchants never purchase smoked meat, wheat, beans, etc. On the contrary, we only sell. for 20 years. No matter what product it is, it must be possible to buy and sell it.

And there is your answer:

Maybe you want to look up the following:

Supply and demand - Wikipedia

To build onto the bakery example, imagine following scenario:

A Trader comes to you, offering you only to buy from them wheat, since their settlement generated a higher wheat production this year. However, due to their limited capacities at the time, they can’t use all that wheat to turn it into flour required for the high demand of bread in their settlement. As a result, they are looking to buy from you whatever amount of flour you can spare so at home in their settlement they have enough supplies to bake bread in high quantities.

And while the gameplay doesn’t exactly reflect such a situation every time (since trading offers and demands are RNG for the most part), this basically gives you some context on why trading works this way both ingame and in the real world.

Someone with high supplies but low demand is looking to make profit by selling to someone with low supplies but high demand. And in turn the same applies for that person in return with other products.

That’s the quintessence of trading. “I have something you need. You have something I need. Let’s work together.”

And in regards to products the Vendors don’t buy at all for the entire session/map, I would guess that is due to how the Trading RNG pool is coded. It could be that Crate as developer did create an RNG exclusion rule that each vendor has a “not available for buy” pool, where specific products are basically blacklisted for the entire games run, so they have more consistency in their offerings/demands.

To detail this more, imagine you have a 5-slot trading system, with 40 goods in the game. You also have 4 different traders that visit. To prevent all the traders from constantly offering the same and having basically very similar trading inventories, you establish a “blacklist pool”. Said pool takes at the beginning of the game (when the map seed is calculated) a portion of the 40 goods and bans them from all potential offerings for 1 trader. Then it does the same with different items for the next vendor. And the next one and so on, until all vendors have their own unique combination of goods they can’t sell. And due to that, the vendors don’t overlap now with their inventory, ensuring every trader has unique offerings every time, with next to no overlap (for instance, this can sometimes be the case with 1 vendor buying and selling shoes while another only buys shoes).

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