[Discord Cadence] Cortosian's Witchblade - DW Elemental Cadence Discord Build

Reserved for Later

gwfojhmlfwhlw aswell !

oh god yes ! a discord build, cant wait to see where i failed so many times ^^

Grim Tools loading is too slow for me (really bad internet)

I know GT is needed by popular demand

Could someone whip up a GT link for me using this GrimCalc


Iā€™ll only add GT to the main thread

Iā€™ll update it fully when i log in

Sorry for the delay

It looks like Panettiā€™s. Still curious to see though, as my Discord Cadence Battlemage was AWFUL.

Itā€™s a witchblade not a battlemage.

I noticed in the Grimcalc, yes. But I went Battlemage for my attempt at Discord Cadence, figuring Iskandraā€™s and the Inner Focus would be ideal. It wasnā€™t. Nor was stupidly using the Iskandraā€™s Set, either, because that went terribly for me.

Personally I much favor Equipment Manager over GT Build Calculator because it allows to work with Grimcalc links and I find drop-down lists more convenient to work with to choose items. Possible range on resists is also very welcome even if thereā€™s some stuff that isnā€™t accurate.

Hereā€™s what I could reverse engineer from the grimcalc and screens on GT, the + skills will add automatically as you fill in the gear which is very nice. http://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXlg9ND

We literally have the exact same build except my weapons/devos are ever so slightly different :smiley:

Failed how?

I never tried Battlemage, but i assume Iskandra and Badge of Mastery with Necrosis would do the trick
Dual-Wield is another story

Thanks for this

Saved me a lot of time

I love it how our ideas match. Even the Pistol Lightning Conjurer i posted way back you said something like this
ā€œIt feels awesome when youā€™re not the only one playing a build doesnā€™t itā€ :smiley:

Guide should be updated now

Hereā€™s the full grimtools link of your primary build (foregoing your unlisted augments): http://www.grimtools.com/calc/eVLJvPNG

Hey man thanks

I deliberately didnā€™t add the rest of the items since i didnā€™t feel like they were needed. I was just interested in the Calc part of GT

Next time i log into the game i will add updated version of your link after confirming the augments

Thanks again (i added a modified version of the link you posted)

you got me sold with ur PRM buildā€¦ and now this?..

what do you think of fury axes instead of voracity?

-edit Ithink this build gave me some grand ideas for a new buildā€¦

thanks again

I couldnā€™t seem to survive once I hit more than one hero. No matter what I tried, it was a battle of extremes. Either I hit like a wet noodle, or I died way too easily for a melee character. Thereā€™s probably SOME way to pull off Melee Battlemage with the Iskandraā€™s set, but I couldnā€™t find it. And no, not Dual, had the Iskandra offhand. I donā€™t think I tried Necrosis though, good idea.

On your build, thoughā€¦ What does PITA stand for? How many PRM style procs do you think you can really push into this? And youā€™ve inspired me to try and make a crappy PRM build that focuses on PRM proc gear nowā€¦ So many fragments, so little time.

Iā€™ll have to ask RNG :rolleyes:

But imo Fury should be a bit weaker than Voracity due to AS being capped

Very nice. :slight_smile: Didnā€™t touch Discord in forever. Wish I had more time atm so could try this out. :cool:

PITA = Pain in the Ass ( I blame JoV, SuperFluff, Drizzto and Stoya for overusing this word :rolleyes:)

Not sure, i invest to heavily into PRM procs, i used to use Cortosian Invokers before the axes.

But i doubt i can push too many procs into this

As for Battlemage, canā€™t say what caused your build to die so much, the only case where i am really running with my tail between my legs is the Queen fight in case i slip up
Otherwise screens is filled so much with procs that i hardly die be it one on one or crowded situation

Ty :cool:

Added a link to a feedback thread regarding itemization in the game

Link added with red text

Here is a link for the lazy ones :stuck_out_tongue: - http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53044


In case you want a legendary with that cool looking PRM proc, hereā€™s a poll i made - http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53045

I just crafted 1000 daggers and only got one ā€œIncanterā€™sā€ without even a suffix. How much time did it take for you to get these weapons?

I donā€™t remember but couldā€™ve been through trade I am not an SF player

I have started the process of updating my guides. The Grimtool link for the updated version has been added

Please notify me if any of the links is broken in any way

For now itā€™s only the GrimTool Links. I donā€™t have too much time at the moment but will update the write-up at some point. I have around 20+ other build guides to tend to so I am sure you guys can understand


Level 100 GT Link for Witchblade added