Does Raise Skeletons need a buff?

relatively basic approach to the redistribution selection: moar damadz:sweat_smile:
unsure where the last 4pts would be best spent

no idea if that’s best, like would more health ie bonds getting maxed be better? more healing or 2% more phys res by maxing BoD and aspect? etc, get birb out with maxed mend flesh for passive healing?
likewise with the last 4pts after my "moar damadz"notion, no idea what would actually be “best” :person_shrugging:


I decided to put the last 4 points in Omen - Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

We now have a faster Cally kill at around 7 minutes


so a build gets better, by ditching 21pts reap spirit wraiths (fully converted),
-did this thread suddenly become “Sundered Wraiths need a buff” too/instead?:grin:



im literally gonna use that grim tools to copy the same exact devotions + exact same skill distribution to level SSF and i will not change my mind even if anyone tells me there is no vit/phys to chaos conversion items and that its a bad idea

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there’s phys to chaos conversion, 45% of it


Superbosses have had bonus damage reduction/damage against pets since forever. In light of what other builds can do now, the damage reduction is probably unwarranted now.

I can see giving skeletons a modest bump to their health and Will of the Crypt (note, skeletons can actually have more armor than a Hellhound with it).


Please consider moving Reap Spirit’s extra summon limit to 16/16 and 21/16 from the current 1716 and 23/16, as well.

(This is my bribe for the reap spirit change)

you can use Consecrated Blade for a bit of Phys to Chaos conversion without needing any items.

Get a Korvaak’s Burning Blade as well for converting the rest of the phys into fire and you are good to go :yum:

Sadly, converting Vitality into Chaos is a bit harder.

But… hold on before you settle on the final build because - 6:30 min Callagadra kill

(in addition to the little guys, you get a big skeleton now :3)

Crate also done. I like this setup the most atm, both to play and thematically as well. Though, probably not the best for climbing deep SR due to low Chaos and Aether resistance for Pets :frowning:
(Can be fixed with Mender’s Powder, but still…)

Managed SR 75 just fine though -

Surprise visit from a certain someone, but not even a single Skeleton was lost -

Sorry for repeated edits and stuff, but I have been having quite the fun with Skeletons atm…

Ravager done without a single pet dying. Took like 2:30 minutes.

SR 120 also done. 2 Fabius…


What a warrior of perseverance,I never thought someone can use skeleton to challenge and defeat it,and i have tried but failed in the end

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For those wondering about how Byssmiel’s Domination relic fares in place of Dirge in this setup

Pretty much same time at around 6:30 minutes.

I am going to stop trying to get a faster kill on Cally now, unless any of you guys have a suggestion for me to test :yum:

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Ty so much

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