Hello, first i want to get a few things out of the way before i show off this
- do not mention how high my hp should be, ive been doing pretty fine with it, dont feel like my hp needs to be any higher do to my heal abilities.
Now that thats out of the way lets get started!! XD
Ever just want to slice something to ribbons so fast the air around you freezes as you move faster than sight? well than this build is for you! It is a extremely fast past build that offers enough hp, defense and healing to be really viable in ultimate and just slaughter everything in any mode xD. Elite will feel more like normal with this and ultimate will feel like elite.
here is the build atm
things of note.
this build may not look the exact same leveling, since you will not have the gear i end with it may vary on what you feel safer with. With the gear im wearing it looks a lot more filled in than that, as for devotions i am a bit stretched but i took up “assassins blade” and “unknown soldier” for my offensive devotions, going with either hp or resistances with the rest. You can change this up, it doesnt break or make the build, it is more on preference here, i love having ghosts fight along side me personally, imagining that i am murdering so hard my fallen nightblade brothers have came back from the grave just to fight alongside me ^_^. the dryad and the hammer meh in my eyes and i took them mostly for the needed points to get unkown soldier. also note that i see A LOT of people with a dps of only 9k in ult, not saying this is bad but i want to mention thats the base of the normal attacks for 3 of my unkown soldiers, so they actually help out pretty nice now which is a added bonus since they usually all attack the same guy.
what abilities are a must
for this it can vary, but these are some i feel are needed through leveling.
i actually never dipped into soldier at level 10, i waited a bit cause i wanted to get these abilities.
Dual blades- thats a must max, dont need to right away but that should be your priority since it gives bonus damage which is extremely important for this build
dual blades tree- dont need to max them, just have them to where they have a decent proc chance, i didnt go ever each one individually to save time execution though is a great skill for this tree and i would recommend maxing it till you get your build fleshed out.
ring of steel a point into it and a point into its passive is fine for a start, it can do great cc damage and overall that freeze will allow you to melt most things without getting hit,
pneumatic burst 8 points + its passive is great early on it will be your main heal
the rest put should fill in as you go, it should fill in as you go down your tree, i dont want to waste to much time here, need help just ask and i will let ya know.
my gear (END GAME GEAR)
some parts can be changed but id say only really the boots and greaves, in my opinion, though for me i may not change anything if you wanted my opinion on it.
High damage (my max is 83k, my average is 31k
lots of heals and speed!, you have no become the flash with blades, rejoice and murder the hellish world to save mankind.
cons you arent a tank, you are a rogue, learn to watch your hp and use abilities.
some of my res is pretty low (mainly poison the rest is pretty straight) but that honestly can be changed without a problem, just haven’t gotten around to it
my stats with gearhttp://grimcalc.com/build/gbBi8J
that should be everything. any questions feel free to ask, i am super sorry if this is long, i have playing bm since early access came out and have made 3 chars to test various things out. So far this is my favorite build and i look forward to helping newer players at least have a different flavor of play that isnt the “you must be tank to play ult” cause that really isnt true, ive seen to many bad builds. Take it from me this works and is fun, but again no build is the only build, this is only for people who enjoy those fast rogue like chars.