Calculation conditions:
- Max pet levels, and max skill levels. One exception, Skeleton - Will of the Crypt, is set at level 10.
- No modifiers from gears.
- base damage for gears, buffs, auras and other sources: 200
% Damage: 3000%.
Attack Speed: 90%.
Cast Speed:45%.
Offensive Ability: 90%.
Critical Damage: 90%.
Monster’s Defensive Ability: 2680 (Nemesis in SR 75)- We regard average DPS of Skeletons (weight: 2 Warriors, 3 Archers, 3 Mages, 2 Kinghts) as 1. For example, Primal Spirit with 8.5 means its solo DPS is similar to 8.5 Skeletons under above conditions.
What we take in consideration:
- Attack Speed, Cast Speed and Animation time.
- DoT and its duration.
- Skills and Their Cooldown.
- Offensive Ability, Defensive Ability, and Crits.
- % Damage and Attributes (Cunning and Spirit).
- Skills which aim only long range targets (like Shadow Strike of Primal Spirit and Sundered Wraith) will be used only once.
- Double hit and multiple hit for some pet (like Primal Spirit).
- For Skeletal Mage - Fireball Nove, we assume 3 fireballs hit, and its short range penalty is -35%. For Briarthorn - Ground Slam, we assume 1 projectile hits, and ignore its short range penalty. Otherwise, its DPS could be even lower.
What we ignore:
- Monster’s Armor. We use “100% Physical converted to Aether” to avoid Armor. Most pet builds will convert Phsical to other type.
- Res. and RR.
- Only solo DPS, not AoE DPS.
- No modifiers from gears.
A calculation example, Briarthorn:
(skill 1 - Slash, skill 2 - Ground Slam)
Battle Time:8 s
Pet Actions:
Time:00s: 01f, Attack Type:Skill 1
Time:00s: 22f, Attack Type:Skill 2
Time:02s: 03f, Attack Type:Skill 1
Time:02s: 24f, Attack Type:Base Attack
Time:03s: 15f, Attack Type:Base Attack
Time:04s: 06f, Attack Type:Skill 1
Time:04s: 27f, Attack Type:Skill 2
Time:06s: 08f, Attack Type:Skill 1
Time:06s: 29f, Attack Type:Base Attack
Time:07s: 20f, Attack Type:Base Attack
Count: Base Attack×4, Skill 1×4, Skill 2×2Pet Data:
Attack Speed: 90%
Cast Speed: 45%
Offensive Ability: 4299.7
Critical Damage: 135%
Total Damage Modified: 0%Pet OA=4299.7,Enemy DA=2680
Chance to Hit=100%
Chance to Crit=32.4544%
Damage reduce=0%
Crit for 2.45 times=11.2576%
Crit for 2.55 times=11.2576%
Crit for 2.65 times=7.50507%
Crit for 2.75 times=2.43412%
Crit for 2.85 times=0%
Multiplier of Crit=1.50416% Damage:
Physical: 3613.41%
Fire: 3722.12%
Cold: 3722.12%
Lightning: 3722.12%
Acid: 3722.12%
Pierce: 3601.41%
Vitality: 3722.12%
Aether: 3722.12%
Chaos: 3722.12%
Trauma: 3633.34%
Bleed: 3633.34%
Burn: 3746%
Frostburn: 3746%
Electrocute: 3746%
Poison: 3746%
Decay: 3746%Damage Conversion:
From Physical to Aether: 100%Statistics:
Decay:0.0Total Damage (Flat):630875.0
Total Damage (DoT):432082.8
Total Damage (All):1062957.9
Average DPS of Skeletons is 43362. So, DPS of Briarthorn is equal to 3.1 Skeletons.
Rank without gear modifiers:
(Note: Skeletons×10 = Warrior×2, Archer×3, Mage×3, Knight×2)
Rank with gear modifiers:
Same other conditions, but with gear modifiers.
Gear details:
Primal Spirit:
OH: Bound WraithSundered Wraiths:
Diviner: Diviner’s VisionRaven:
Bysmiel: Bysmiel’s TrinketsBlight Fiend:
UA, medal: Unstable Anomaly, 20% Total Damage Modified from Mark of Bloody Ends or Rotdrinker Crest
Ghol, Scorpius: Ghol’s Malice, Scorpius Pummeler, Circlet of the Great Serpent
Ghol, Blightstone: Ghol’s Malice, Blightstone Invoker, Circlet of the Great SerpentHellhound:
Lostsoul, OH, medal: Shepherd of Lost Souls, Fleshwarped Archive, Halion’s Crest
Non-set, Elem: Bysmiel’s Mindweaver, Fleshwarped Archive, Zaria’s Pendant, Chosen Visage, Halion’s Crest
Non-Set, Fire: Dracarris, Fleshwarped Archive, Zaria’s Pendant, Chosen Visage, Halion’s Crest
Non-Set, Vitality: Veilpiercer, Fleshwarped Archive, Zaria’s Pendant, Chosen Visage, Halion’s Crest
Beastcaller, Fire: Nature’s Call Regalia, Dracarris, Fleshwarped Archive, Zaria’s PendantBriarthorn:
Beastcaller, OH: Nature’s Call Regalia, Bloodsworn Codex
Ghol, OH, Scorpius: Ghol’s Malice, Ascendant Cowl, Bloodsworn Codex, Scorpius PummelerSkeletons:
Skeletons×10 = Warrior×2, Archer×3, Mage×3, Knight×2
We assume that both pet levels and skill levels are max. However, in many builds, it’s hard to reach max skill levels. This means DPS should be lower.
For skeletens, Primal Spirits and Wraith (the top 3), this problem never matters, as their skill levels automatically increase with pet levels, and max pet levels means max skill levels.
But for Briarthorn, Hellhound, Blight Fiend (the last 3) and Raven, things do matter. Their skill levels are independent, and hard to reach max level.