Drok has questions about Soldier

Well that is good to know! :slight_smile: (respecing out of Markovian in favor of more blindside!)


That rule seems completely arbitrary, so I wouldn’t know to notice it. Do % RR stack, like -59% Vitality Resistance? Better yet, is there a central place for these hard to predict quirks?


I found one for Resistances. Although it puts Raging tempest in the wrong category, but that might be GrimTools is wrong or the game has been updated since.


According to the calculation, flat resist reduction subtracts points from the resist %. (x reduced target’s y resist), -25 resist on an opponent with 50% resist is now 25%.
Then you have the additive resist reduction which also reduce by a flat value but can stack. (-x% y resist)
Then you have the “% reduced” which is a multiplicative. (x% reduced target’s y resist), 25% reduced on an opponent with 50% resist is now 38%.

There is a link to a VERY HANDY spreadsheet earlier in this thread.

Basically, there is some syntax that you need to parse in the way each skill is described, and that will tell you if it stacks.


The choice of which ability goes into which category seems arbitrary (I mean, which gets which syntax), though. Maybe the unstackable ones are higher?


Nope, Inferno is only 16 pts, where flash freeze is 40%?

Flash Freeze only applies it’s RR if an enemy if Frozen by the ability. Bosses have a Freeze resist above 100% so require you to reduce it for it to effect them for even a fraction of the skill’s duration.

Pair it with an AoE Fire ability or Cold to Fire conversion though and it’ll melt trash and any Heroes that aren’t immune like Frozen/Unstoppable ones.

Next question -

Fighting Spirit. Ever since 1.0, this skill has been a 1-3 point investment. Does it get ridiculously good in CDR builds? I really can’t recall what the build guides I’ve seen do with it. OPW? Max it with massive CDR?

I mean, it’s ok-ish with a Rylok medal -2 sec CD mod and 8% crit for it’s duration. If you have too many points you can put it at 12 but that’s all.

-Generally, I’ll just 1 point it. There’s usually better places to spend points, if you absolutely can’t anywhere else though, then it’s not a bad dump.

-On certain builds, I might consider it to patch any damage/OA weaknesses if they exist. For example, on my Counter Hit build, in early versions, I opted to max Fighting Spirit because the build has below average % damage bonuses outside of temporary buffs/procs and overall has below average OA in general. Fighting Spirit fixes both of these and has an uptime of around 50%.

-I’ve seen one or two builds that will cap it at 12/12 and use a Rylok Crest as well to make it available more often.

Fighting Spirit have same mechanics as Deadly Aim (for example) - 8 seconds active and 16 seconds cooldown, and cooldown does not start with skill itself. It is active only 8 seconds in 24 in summary :frowning:

You’re right, I always forget that skills like it, Deadly Aim or Blast Shield work like that :rolleyes:

But Deadly Aim is usually soft capped, no? I proposed a long, long time ago (~build 20ish) that Menhir’s Will and Fighting Spirit should be combined into one skill, because even back then they were OPWs.

You want Menhir’s Will to save your life only in hard situations and not proc randomly during entire battle like Fighting Spirit. They serve different purposes

I don’t mean make them one skill as-is - that would be clunky AF!

I have a dislike of One-Point-Wonders, and made some suggestions to make this a 6-8 point skill with a transmuter or two that would put it it the category of “one point or soft cap”.

At least in this game, each point, in most skills, is worth it. Many of the skills, the second point nearly doubles the effect.

I hate games where every skill 50%+ of the effect comes from the first point. They seem to be common.

I hate it when I am forced to max out a skill and it takes 20 points to raise the skill by double. Usually like that just so they can reward you with tons of points.

@ xaade - Yeah, right there with you. OPWs fall under the ‘false choice’ category of design. For example, keeping it on-topic, there are no Soldier builds that I know of that don’t use Warcry and Field Command. It seems awkward then to include them the way that they are, using the same economy that is ostensibly there to ‘customize’ your character. It ceases being customization when all soldiers ‘need’ to take the skill. But that’s a design philosophy question, and kinda outside the topic. (And also only meant to be an observation, not criticism)

ZT and MA - I’ve seen more builds get heavy on Zolhan’s, because of the DoT meta. MA I see in builds that are WPS driven. Would you say that’s fair?

Can we dig into devotions a bit?

Which constellations are Soldiers most likely to want? Which constellations go with which types of builds, etc.? I realize that nothing is absolute, but it seems to me that there are some patterns that emerge. I mean, obviously if you are running with a 2-Hander, most will go for Kraken.