
OK, is it just me? Or is this game not dropping anything!? I’ve had it since alpha and now I got my shammy at 75 and NOTHING drops. I’m on Ultimate and not even a blue drops often, LUCKY if I get a purple after 20 hours. So can these devs fix this? My friends and me all agree, this game has horrible drops.


What’s your Item Filter set to?

It’s set to seeing greens and up I’m playing right now and I just killed the Warden on Ultimate. Gave me 1 blue and nothing I needed. Seems to be a similar pattern in the game. Basically if 1 does drop, it gives me it for a class that my character isn’t. Like what the hell happened to this game?

How to even respond to that? GD has always played by the rules of RNG and never at any point in development was it guaranteed to get a drop for your class. Nothing has changed on that front.

However, I get tons of drops all the time that certainly makes it seem like GD has awareness of what skills and damage types I’m using. Maybe I’m imagining it but I noticed this change back in December I believe and every time I create and play a new character I am seeing stuff frequently drop for what(ever) it is I happen to be building.

Perhaps your old saves didn’t jive right with the game updates over time? Maybe try to verify the cache just in case? Maybe make a new guy and see if there is a difference?

Nothing wrong with the drops in GD from where I’m sitting. I can think of a number of games with way worse than GD’s.

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what is rng

I’m not trying to be a negative ass myself, but I just haven’t gotten anything useful so it sours me. I see that others get drops, but lately for me just nothing. Also I have created a whole new character since it was released, and nothing good at level 75. I used to get more drops in Alpha than it is now, so I a am super dissapointed.

here i am getting per hour and you’re lucky to get one in an entire day :eek:

gd is about the opposite of a hold your hand game and the loot is random which can be fairly annoying. That being said if you think it’s THAT bad then you are just being negative. I’d imagine the game’s long term fun for most people is about rolling with multiple characters so you might not get shit for your favorite guy but you will get relevant items for other fun builds. Not to mention that yes getting that sweet gear for character A is nice, but that is nice what makes a game good/bad

Random Number Generator. How the game determines what drops.

Level 75 is too early to start getting frustrated about drops. By the time you hit the end of the game, you should have maybe one or two legendaries that you can use. That’s when you start farming end game to try and gear up to take on the sentinel, bourbon, mad queen, etc. You’ll end up with a lot of gear that you can use to start a new character, who will then find a bunch of gear you can either use for your original character or start another with.

That said, it is a bitch to get the gear you need. The drop rates on the really good legendaries is abysmal. I’ve got ~200 hours in so far and I’ve yet to see a single Ultos/Ulzuin/etc legendary set piece, save for a dawnbreakers amulet. I must have five pairs of bonshatter treads, but damned if I can get anything I need for any of my existing characters. It’s pretty damn frustrating. I played PoE for two years and put up with shitty, god awful drops (which honestly make GD look like a damn candy machine by comparison), I really had hoped to avoid that crap this go round. I enjoy the hunt and all, but it gets really discouraging when you just can’t seem to get a single piece of usable gear after days of farming.

RNG is a frustrating, fickle mistress. No doubt about it. I’ve been wondering the same thing myself lately with what seems to be a decided lack of anything of substance or variety dropping. In which case, the missus (RNG) and I are having a bit of a disagreement at the moment. :wink: I’m sure our relationship will warm up again.

Beyond what others have already suggested in this thread there are two others I’ll add.

Trade with other players through the GD website. And, utilize the services of Etram Fald - the Celestial smith in Tyrant’s hold. (http://grimdawn.wikia.com/wiki/Etram_Fald_-_Celestial_Smith).

Yeah I know what you mean , pretty new player here , started elite at lvl 50 , I tend to clear all maps / caves etc , hate missing anything , I am now at the warden quarters , and in all that time all those kills / chests / bosses etc , I have had 2 blues and 0 legendaries .

It’s what put me off PoE tbh , drops are rarer than rocking horse droppings , so games about loot with no loot leaves a bitter taste .

And what ? 2 mins after writing this I get 2 blues in a row and both the same :confused: desecrator treads …

My luck waxes and wanes like the tides. Some days I’ll get absolutely nothing of value, other days I get a full bag of goodies. Yesterday I blew up a bunch of garbage blues and got 3 bloods, a brain, and the final piece of several rare components. The last time I went on a salvaging spree I ended up with a huge pile of scrap and a bunch of worthless ammo partials.

Game definitely thinks I should have gone pyromancer instead of warlock, though. I see so damned many things that have +X to multiple demo skills or +1 all demo or triple-digit fire damage bonuses that if changing masteries was a thing I would have done so long ago.