Druid Help

I’ve been playing this game on and off. Finished Malmouth dlc. Now im in start of Elite. This build im on now is quite old. Any improvements, suggestions? I can respec to whatever. Gear farming while leveling?


If you’re looking for a target build, in my post there are 3 TSS Druids by Dmt and Plasmodermic

Tr1kk1: I have a 2-handed Druid. I tried to up load it to GrimTools, but it only copied a Level 23 Shaman. I have a Level 60 Druid. I really haven’t had the best of luck with that site at all.

Anyway, my Shaman Skills are:
Brute Force 12, Upheaval 4
Primal Strike 16, Thunderous Strike 1, Torrent 12, Storm Surge 12 (Primary attack, left click)
Storm Totem 4 (Number 1 key, drop on heroes, Bosses)
Stormcaller’s Pact 12
Devouring Swarm 1 (Use that to pull mobs to me, right click spell)
Mogdrogden’s Pact 12
Heart of the Wild 1
Oakskin 1 (at one point a waste, but I have +3 to all Shaman Skills so why not)

Arcanist Skills:
Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange 12
Manifestation 3
Maivan’s Sphere of Protection 3 (10% DR, so why not)
Arcane Will 1

I don’t have the greatest gear, but I can pull off 20-30k dps unbuffed and 30-40k dps buffed. The best thing I have is Alvarick’s Rebuke. I get 2 of my +3 to Shaman Skills from that weapon. It’s really great against trash mobs. I wish it was stronger vs. heroes and bosses, but I guess it’s good enough for being Level 60. I haven’t started the Malmouth content with this character yet, I want to wait till I am around 65-66 before I do that, but I am at the very beginning of Elite mode.

61-100 I will focus on anything that gets me more Lightning Damage. I might drop the Storm Totem for Wendigo Totem if I need the regen. I really don’t know if I want anything else from the Arcanist except more Mastery points. It’s one of my many alts, so I really don’t have an end game site for this character. It really depends. Right now I am working on a Range version of this character, Vindicator using a 2-handed range weapon.

Devotions for the Druid? So far… I only have 33/55 shrine points, hoping to get the last 18-20 in Elite and the rest in Malmouth content.

I have all Crossroads except Yellow, Scholar’s Light, Quill, Rhowan’s Crown, Eel, Kraken, Tempest, and 2 points in Jackal. Once I get my last point in Jackal, then I will get 5 points in Ultos, Shepard of Storms.

After my 5 points in Ultos, Shepard of Storms, I will have Hydra, Chariot of the Dead, and the last 4 points in Revenant. I can take away the Green from Crossroads and put it in Revenant to unlock the special ability. Imagine a Druid with a few skeletons. That’s just too funny.

Hopefully that helps out a bit. I don’t have any insight on caster builds, I haven’t played any yet. Nor have I played any pet builds. I am sure Shaman could be quite fun with a Briarthorn or Primal Spirit.