DW Cold Infiltrator Suggestion

First of all here is my build (Veteran):

My Build

PS: Turn on all buffs from right corner (3 buttons).



ABB due to cold based char.

Veil of Shadow:

I have given to this one point due to Ghoulish Hunger works best with toggle skills, I suppose.

Dual Blades:

To enabling dual wield ability, of course.

Pneumatic Burst:

“Veteran” is not easy anymore in Grim Dawn, so healing skills are too important especially when we start a new game.

Breath of Belgothian:

This is my life-saver; because it reduces cooldown of “Pneumatic Burst”.

Shadow Strike:

Many players who play this game, give only give one point to this; but I don’t.

Because using “SS” with “Slam” skill on hero mobs is very fun for me even than sex.

I mean, it is like orgasm.

Lethal Assault:

I have given 12 points to this; because professional gamers of this forum suggest like that.

But I don’t know the function of this skill.

I mean, I am going to ride a sign of the Day of Judgment.

So, I am open to suggestions.