DW physical Warborn Witchblade - 310k cadence crits unbuffed/unbannered; 170 viable

Thank’s anyway the RnG gods have smiled upon my meager efforts so far. I have found a Devil’s Hauberk :slight_smile: This has upped both my DPS and my staying power by about a million and the proc synergizes perfectly with the sigil not to mention that it does insane damage for a level 50 item.

I have about 20 mythical ones and never thought about this item but it’s the perfect leveling item for a witchblade mostly due to its low level requirement. I can bumrush my way to BoC on ultimate now and with a few tonics from malmouth I’ll be at level 94 in no time

great. :slight_smile:

Let me know if you need anything crafted for the final spec. I also have some 100% legit spare warborn pieces if you want them.

nice build

Very nice.

M Reign of Ice and Fire a decent alternative to a Cronley or Viloth ring?

I know this one’s old, but could it be reworked into dw Chaos with current meta?
Started leveling one out of curiosity, but if it can’t reliably do end game better skip early.

Ehh another beronath sword build. I don’t like the fact that this one Item is better than all other phys based weapons. This item can fix almost all problem with DPS for phys based chars. Maybe there should be some kind od buff to other weapons? Just thinking. Or maybe NERF beronath to be inline with pure phys weapons? Maybe give this item 80% conversion instead of 100%? Just thinking aloud. Ps. Just saw this char od 2years old. Lol. Still hate beronath though.

It’s not better than all the phys weapons, that’s straight up false. The best DW phys build right now uses two earthsplitters, warborn/cleaver is better for 90% of Cadence builds. It has a niche on witchblade, that’s about it.

Possession or Oleron for just leveling purpouses?
Need some heavy farming so went for phys->chaos cadence/blitz which seems to be killing stuff surprisingly well around 30 with just Riftstones for conversion.
Suppouse BoC might be intresting.
I assume going full Chaos with devotions (DG, Abomination) is also the way to go for soft core?