Easter Eggs / Non reward quests

The most famous, and rewarding, is to return to Coven after the demise of Theodin for ‘The other you’.

  • Talk to Korinia after Theodin’s demise (and siding with Anasteria).
  • Talk to the Chosen by Valley of the Chosen or the Light of Empyrion (spoiler :: late in FG) when siding with Kymon.
  • Play a necromancer and talk to the beleaguered girl in the Malmouth Sewers.
  • Play a caster and talk to the saved witch in Coven’s Refuge.
  • Don’t rescue the witch until Theodin and Korvaak are dust, then find her in Blood Grove and then Coven for 0.00% chat difference.
  • Don’t turn in Something for Nothing and / or Flesh and Iron until AoM movie plays.
  • Don’t rescue Ulgrim in Burrwich Outskirts and talk to him in Deadman’s Gulch (do not take credit for that).
  • Also well known :: the bounty to kill the deep dweller who often became invisible. (But let us eschew things that could be other IP rights cough Morgoneth cough.

I was randomly talking about this, and the random quest (no choice involved) with Nicoh and wanted to pose the question.

I am absolutely certain I have forgotten some, but, without spoilers, thought it an interesting topic. And yes I am avoiding Harvey.

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Wait, what happen with this one

Spoilers !!!

The kid wants to be necromancer himself so he can resurrect his parents
You can try to tell him its not good idea


Necromancer also gets unique threats for the kids antagonizing the boy, I think one or two other unique dialog options mostly in AoM. An Inquisitor going to present the Heart of Carraxus, and possibly from the Matron get unique dialogue about your choice to be a filthy Inquisitor.

And in Candle District, there is the RNG save of the children - yes, RNG for anyone who has never managed to save them, just exit the conversation, the game, and try again. Interestingly this one actually has an Experience reward, but no faction.

Both Drew Larkin just before the Arkovian Foothills rift, and Frankie “the Knife” by the gladiator pit before Cronley’s compound apparently die after you leave, with a pile of bones remaining.

And there is the elusive Markiv on the Grim Tools map of Malmouth Sewers. I think I remember there being a quest there when AoM was new, and have seen a post by @CaiusMartius that agrees . Possibly judged too early to unlock Malmouth Faction - might have gotten you respected by Steelcap.

And if there is a purpose to Hagarond in the Fleshworks, I have never figured it out. May have been an unfinished quest intended to cross into the last DLC.

What boy are you talking about? The necromantic kid in Malmouth Severs is a girl named Eraline. As a Necromancer you can say to one of bullies: “She (Eraline) is a powerful necromancer, you know?”

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Indeed you are correct, I thought the torture target was a boy. But yes, Eraline is a girl, and the center of the hidden dialogue. Thad and Ginny are the two you can threaten to leave on the surface, or with Eraline’s necromantic powers.

Oh it seems he has a purpose. :wink:

"12th July 2019 stream:

Any plans for the NPC found in the Fleshworks to make another appearance?

So his story is not going to finish with Forgotten Gods, his story is for things beyond. Which is more of a sequel."