EDA Gaming

What’s Our Deal
What started out as a small company of gaming enthusiasts has since turned into a Multi-Gaming Company that is based in Australia with members world wide. Our team now consists of players who give up there free time to help our members find the games they like while expanding our horizon .
We’re experts in having a good time, and offer our fellow gamers a chance to unleash their inner child through our awesome games. Let us know how we can help you; When it comes to the gaming world, the sky’s the limit.

We also know that Grim Dawn does not support a guild system, but this will not stop us from having a good time in game for those who enjoy it. We actively ask those interested in joining a community that actively supports Grim Dawn to hope over to our Discord or website to check us out and have some great times in GD :slight_smile:

Our Discord - https://discord.gg/TuQNYek
Our Website - https://gfc736.wixsite.com/edagaming