Endgame honey production vanishing

1600 pop city here, apart from known huge honey demand problem, in the last 10 years my city has seen constant honey production decrease. Last year was 0, all my honey-related industry stopped and now I am forced to constantly ask for honey at the trading center to keep things going. I think it should be fixed and also honey production should be buffed OR honey demand debuffed.

Is it the hives not producing or are your farmers so busy they can’t get to the hives before the next harvest/planting is due? Could be that are farmers are traveling so much they don’t have the time…

On a side note, I really do think they should be a separate beekeeper job but thats just me

The hives are not producing or producing very low honey. My farmers count is stable or even a bit increased in the last years (I have a lot of spare workers).

But where are your hives? Are they scattered all around your town or are they close to the crop fields?

They are close to the fields but you know, at 1700 pop fields and hives are pretty much everywhere as the city requires a lot of food and honey is just so scarce that I need two large maps just to sustain a single village.

well just cause your farmer count is stable doesn’t mean that the farmers are just too busy, if the fields are too far from their houses or the farm rotations are too pack. Farmers might not have enough time to go from place to place to farm, collect from beehives, and go home/pub/whatever else they do… I’m not saying that beehives might not need to be buffed but I’d click on what of your farmers, hover over the “i” in the top right and see what % of things they are doing with their time. They might be traveling or getting basic needs so much that their working time is too low to collect from hives…

I’m also assuming on all your fields you got a maintenence/clover year on each of your farms? Gives the poor farmers more time to collect from hives cause they aren’t harvest/planting which takes alot of time especially bigger fields

With my farmer count is stable I meant that I have a lot of them, for every single field the number of farmers is near the max available. Also, in the past years they were collecting honey just fine. Now honey production resumed a bit anyway, but I think sometimes it breaks and become unreliable for some years.