What to do with all the epics? For items that are supposed to be rarer than rare they drop kind of frequently, but there are so many and they are so good its always tempting to hold on to them for another character, particularly the set items.
At level 32 soldier i still cannot part with the Guardsman set, and if I get the last piece Im not sure I could part with it until I absolutely couldn’t go any further, and Im guessing that would be a long way as there are so many passive and active buffs in the skill set. A +2 buff to all skills is just phenomenally good for a pure soldier if you have at least one point in each skill.
Its also hard not to stick to epics where ever possible, again because they are so good. I could use some rare grieves with the set, but a pair of epic swampwalkers filled my gaps better than any rare I have seen. My stache is so loaded with epics that if I started another character right now i could go to level 14-35 without ever touching a rare for some classes. Partly my fault for farming the epics, but it’s unreasonably tempting knowing that if run through the area again hitting bosses and hero’s I am almost guaranteed an item that will boost me more than all the rares i would get by pressing forward, and also knowing that is the only way im going to complete a set. Perhaps ill hit a point where the difficulty out paces the the rate of goodness of the epic gear but it seems a long way off.