Error 500 on forums

Did not know where to share this, b UT with the popularity of Grim Dawn’s release, and the increase on the forums, it is getting a lot of 500 internal error.

I do not know what this error is , but if it is the forum, it might be all the recent traffic, going from about 900-1000 users to today being at around 1500 users.

Just wanted to bring this to attention for the devs

500 error nearly always goes away with a refresh. Had a 502 error earlier which was permanent. Either way, I’m sure the devs are aware.

ok mate this one is a bomber

itsd a common problem, the only solution is to log out and log back in with your credentials. that fixes it for me, and I have seen this error a lot.

Never had to re-login, just wait a bit and then a refresh.

Servers are probably overworked, sometimes the refresh loads the page with missing icons.

502 is the error where you need to logout and re-login.

500 is either due to increased traffic or … maybe this twitch plugin?

I have seen a lot of 500s recently and sometimes the site will load but where the streamers are shown will be a little frame with the 500 error in there.

Anyone else notice that?

I have gotten both 500 and 502.

A lot of 500 is the whole forum, sometimes the twitch app only.

502 happened the day of release I think, and I could not login for approx 2 hrs.