error : Can't find or execute Crate DBREditor!


When I try to open a .dbr file in the Asset Manager, I get this message error.

I already extracted the game files.

I don’t know what is wrong.

Ca fait plaisir de te voir de retour.

What is exactly the error, if u’re on steam try the file verification.

what do you have the
folder set to

and the other folders too

Lol, les grands esprits se rencontrent (c’est Thallan de Gamegrob).

Désolé mec, je n’ai pas eu ce soucis la, mais comme l’a dit EliteKiller, fait une vérification des fichiers sur steam, et regarde bien que tu as Dbreditor dans ton dossier d’install’

Go to your Grim Dawn installation folder.
Double click DBREditor.exe
If that fails: corrupt game install
If that works: there is a path issue

I do “file, open” from inside DBREditor most of the time, double clicking from the asset manager depends on your paths. Sometimes the paths won’t allow double clicking from Asset Manager, but will still build and compile. (Like a production environment.)

I can open the .dbr file from the DBReditor as you explain (file, open), but until yesterday i was able to open a dbr file with double clicking from the AssetManager.
I dont know why, since yesterday, i get this message error when i try to open the dbr file from the AssetManager.

The problem is if i open the .dbr file from the DBReditor, i’m not able to assign a moded texture. I can only choose the textures from the vanilla.

The Working Directory or path to the game files.

Have you solve your problem?:rolleyes:
just check

really funny bug…