Eternal Band Ring

Does the 15% Chance of 25% Reduced target’s Resistance on that ring work with spells w/o %weapon attack too?

No, it requires weapon damage.

Thank you. So I guess ‘% chance of’ stat on gear or skills requires %weapon damage?

That’s an answer I’d like to hear. I’ve taken to the habit of using this thing:’thon

Stats such as flat damage, lifesteal, debuffs and CC effects that are granted through gear or other sources of passive abilities are applied and modified by a skill’s % weapon damage stat. If a skill lacks % weapon damage, then none of the above will be applied to said skill. This includes any of the above that are applied as “% chance of”.

Yup, looks like it. Just checked on target dummy, spells like Sigil of Consumption aren’t triggering that debuff.


So the '5% chance of ’ on Albrecht’s Duality ring DOES work with spells w/o %weapon damage too? Actually that is difficult to remember and now and then topics like this will appear. Maybe some better wording is needed on such type of gear.