EU Passes Copyright Law

So arrogant. Pride comes before a fall. And Euros are due for a BIG one.

In theory yes, in practice Germany passed pretty much the same law a few years ago and nothing has actually changed because the law is just so far removed from reality and practicality, so I do not expect much to come from this either, if it even actually passes in the end (given that those making the decision do not understand what they decide about, it very well might…)

…And on topic.

This bill’s not only unworkable given how much material is produced and posted daily, it’s utterly stupid. Mainly because it’s exceptionally abusable, f*cks with fair use and then there’s the link tax. Which is mind boggling in how it messes with how the web works vis providing links to supporting/relevant stuff.

Which will be a major fcking problem for journalism, since often links are used to point towards supporting information from other news and journalism sites. Sure, Buzzfeed News and other non-EU sites will laugh at this, but it’ll fck over smaller EU journalism sites badly.

And it’s not like copyright laws aren’t already pretty strong, albeit with some enforcement issues that are probably a better thing to work on than this stupid filter. Like say a central clearing house where copyright holders can submit stuff that they claim violates their rights + backing info. And then a human checks that claim off, then an automatic system serves notice to whoever’s done the violation. Sure, it’ll cost more, but as youtube’s shown so f*cking well, automated systems suck at determining fair use and not flagging public works.

Oh, you think this was about copyright protection? Moh ho ho. No, Euros, your tongues are being ripped out because there are people terrified of what you might start saying when things get worse (and they will get worse). This was designed to shut you the hell up. I guarantee this will be selectively enforced to crack down on images and thoughts that your EU oligarch rulers deem undesirable. You bloody arrogant fools. You’ve dug your own graves.

That’s some major hyperbole there :smiley:

In reality, this is the result of heavy lobbying by rights holders (aka the entertainment cabal) and lack of understanding by lawmakers. And it’s about money, profit for those mega conglomerates that already make billions at the expense of the actual creators. But that’s nothing new is it.

yeah, that is not at all what this is about… the push here was by some newspapers that felt that if Google quotes half their article, they have less eyes on their site.

Turns out the opposite is true, just takes them a little longer to sort that fact out, so this thing is still going despite the obvious stupidity of it.

Apart from that, I agree that some things are better not said because they are just plain wrong and/or stupid, and to me flat out lying does not really fall under free speech, but of course that battle has been lost in the US

Keep spinning it however you please. I’m going to be over here with my popcorn. I’m SURE nothing terrible will happen. Snort, snicker.

Guess that depends on where you’re moderating. Here I have to say is pretty good generally. Steam on the other hand … Only been over in the GD Steam forum for a couple of weeks and Zantai’s already closed 6 threads. Another’s well on it’s way to being closed as well. And it’s supposed to be one of the better Steam forums for lack of toxicity. :eek:

Its not out own damn faults. All the modern people are against it. You can see this in how the voting went. As always it was super close. Problem is that there are too many of the older generation still in charge. They have no understanding about any tech/digital related. They have no “experts” in their party representing said progression. If you look at a more national level there are fuck ups in regards to tech/digital related stuff as well. But far from as bad as the EU. China/Japan has it integrated in a much better/more modern way.

As said though. We still have the Trilogue in the early months of 2019 to still challenge and undo these decisions.

then again… banning meme’s isn’t bad though. They’re usually shit and dumb anyway. However I agree with Mamba. The rulings aren’t optimal, but they’re not bad either. They pretty much only apply to big corporations and exclude the small day to day usage anyway. Those old out of touch ministers are so focused on Facebook/Google and wanting to tie those down. I followed the discussions live and ALL of the ministers were actually looking out for the small folk and focused on business legislation. Except for that 1 weirdo from east europe that was constantly blabbering about robots taking over the world. Its not like america where we suddenly get spied upon and everything is done against the people under the lie of terrorism and other dumb scare tactics. People are just overreacting how “bad” the new additions to the laws are. When you look at the facts they’re not horrible, but they’re not the best we could hope for either.

Link Tax, Artikel 11, is about social websites not just copy/pasting articles from anywhere. Basically stealing the work from news sites and such. Those social websites have to pay a tax so the original creators get paid for their work. Nothing bad about that. In short, social media (and other websites to just copy/paste other peoples works) now have to pay for a license for each link. Doesn’t impact us people, but it does impact companies.
Artikel 13 is an addendum to the already existing copyright laws. So even there nothing major will come out of it. Meme’s will not be banned for daily folk since they fall under derivative works. As for companies using meme’s as advertisement methods…well that is banned. So as long as we don’t use meme’s that include corporate logo’s and product placement we’re fine.

As for how fucked up USA is… we euro’s aren’t even on the same planet of fuck ups yet. As for the arrogance, pride & fall… we’re once again not even close to americans. We’re not the ones who are pretty much a third world country when you look at the facts of each individual industry. Where only the universities are in the top 10 of the world. Everything else is not even in the top 30 with increasing illiteracy and retardation occuring. Health Care is somewhere in the 60’s where even several African countries have it better. Their economy is weak and unstable. We’re not the ones that needed the russians&chinese to bail us out by buying up 70billion of state debts to prevent the country from going bankrupt. Or did the american government forgot to mention that to its citizens between all the other propaganda news? :stuck_out_tongue: Only thing americans are good at is creating seggregation among its own people, creating fear everywhere about dumb pointless shit, warmongering, demonizing people instead of focusing on facts during debates, selfish loud pricks with really shortsighted vision. They’ve been fucking up since the late 60’s, condition their citizens from an early age, use propaganda every where and still think they’re the best and only thing on this world. Just because you participated in WW2 doesn’t mean you got any right of speech. Americans lost that right and credit with all the fuck ups afterwards. America as a whole is a disease and should be purged of the face of the planet as far as I care. Most of the world is disgusted and pities americans in general. As always there are a minority of decent folk over there who suffer from the rest.

The US leads in a lot of industries, not so much in anything related to manufacturing, but in a lot of more service based areas like banking, software, internet…

They are nowhere near a third world country, but they also are nowhere near the top of the first world countries. Health Care, Retirement, Consumer Protection, Education, Infrastructure, pretty much anything ‘social’ they are near the bottom of first world countries

America as a whole is a disease and should be purged of the face of the planet as far as I care. Most of the world is disgusted and pities americans in general. As always there are a minority of decent folk over there who suffer from the rest.

America as a whole is a great country, there are things they are better at and there are things the EU is better at. My ideal country is a mix of the two. Take the social protection Europe offers (and fix some of the broken stuff in there while you are at it, not to reduce protection, but to offer it in a less complicated way) and the entrepreneurial spirit of the US, cut the military budget to a sane number and go from there…

As much as I criticize the US for some things, I feel I have to defend it for others :wink:

The majority are decent folks, but you wouldn’t know that based on Republican voters and politicians, they have gone off the deep end (esp the voters, the politicians were forced to follow them). They live in a fact free, logic free, irrational world created by propaganda channels and there is no coming back for most of them from that delusion.
The rest ‘just’ has to make sure that the crazy 25% of the country do not drive the car off the cliff again, 2016 was once too often already.

I still much rather have the US as the one superpower than any of the realistic alternatives (Russia, China, maybe India, the EU does not qualify as it will never get its act together to actually become sufficiently integrated for this and to actually agree on a direction that would get it there - given that the eastern block is basically sabotaging the whole thing by now and is only in it for the money - something I would definitely fix if I were the western block… - and given that tiny countries have far too much say, so you have too many opinions to get to agree for this to ever really work - something you cannot really fix I believe)

their internet isn’t great either. poor speeds, poor connectivity the so called free market and competition between ISP’s is barely present.

As for banking. How good can it be if they need communists, which they love so much, to bail them out from national bankruptcy? which led to the majority of Sillicon Valley to fall in the hands of the Chinese for example.

the EU is not really better at this afaik, quite the contrary (but that is a generalization, you would have to look at the individual countries)

As for banking. How good can it be if they need communists, which they love so much, to bail them out from national bankruptcy?

the two have nothing to do with each other. Banks and national deficit are two entirely separate topics. As to borrowing from communists, China is communist in name only…

which led to the majority of Sillicon Valley to fall in the hands of the Chinese for example.

care to back that one up ? and as with your banking statement, national debt and who owns what stock have nothing to do with each other. You argue just as fact free and stupid (no understanding of basic economic principles) as Trump, you just come from the opposite direction, that is no real improvement :wink:

Trump gets a lot of things wrong, but that we let China become too powerful by imposing very few limitations on them / their companies while they heavily regulate and protect their market is certainly true, and the EU was no better there and is making the exact same mistakes - not that what Trump does now will fix this…

First of all, I am here to make sure that everyone understands that this thread will be closed with the next post that breaks forum guidelines.

Basically, there is one group of people that you can attack here. They are not of a particular race, country, sex or sexual orientation. They do not even all follow the same religion. They just have a fuck ton of money. This is why I quoted the above. While on wildly different topics (I did not even notice the thread merger, let alone know it was possible to undo such a merger), the two threads share a common theme. People with loads and loads of money will use that money to manipulate whatever they want to get more money.

Every country, every race, every sex and every person needs to wake up and seek out the parts of this human-created system that we have in place that collectively governs us all and fight back by attempting to change it.

For EA, that is easy and hard. Don’t buy their games (easy) and find these poor souls that actually buy fifa games and get them the help they need (hard).

For Copyright, well…apple, google, facebook (whatever that is) and the like are the modern equivalent of the fantasy dwarven caverns full of gold. Every rich person is jealous and many entities are constantly trying get some of their gold. In my opinion, the news sites are insane and anything that grabs text and leaves out all the bullshit that comes down the pipe everytime you hit a news site link is a welcome thing. If the news sites want to continue to fight anti-autoplay plugins and adblockers and make you agree to their excessive abuse of cookies and other web technologies, then let them die. Luckily, most media is brainwashing anyway, the world would be a better place without the current media propaganda.

So, in fact, this thread is a fairly important topic. The EU equivalent of the net neutrality debacle in the states. Government doing what some rich fucks want instead of what the majority of the population they supposedly represent wants. If you are in the EU, it is up to you to find your politician get them to take your desires all the way through the political food chain until it finds it way to the guy getting bought. And then he can still choose to take the money versus enact sensible legislation.

If you want to make some money for yourself, I can give you a hint about the technology to focus on:

This and another thread is all about money and who has better lawyers. Money is the problem as that creates most, if not all, the worst character traits you can imagine, one of it being greed and lust for ultimate power. It’s why things are the way they are and why the corporations can do what they want and governments can pass draconian laws. We, the sheep are too busy doing nothing, tapping on our little computers and ‘smart’ devices that we find so important… the greatest dumbing down tool if you ask me, brainwashing masses.

There is no debate. We all seem to agree that we dislike it… and to do nothing… the normal internet vibe.

Sadly, you can’t go and change the foundations of the society you live in. Alone, you’re the minority, it’s out of your control. Cope with it, adapt or stay idealistic and starve. All this reminds me of the movie “They live”…if you want a change, just load a shotgun and get to work and hope others join your cause, ideally instead of shotgun shells you load good arguments.

So very, very true. The usual collection of old fashioned companies demanding to keep their grip as the gatekeepers of all info and content and refusing to let go of the goose that has been laying golden eggs for them for years.

One interesting fact, Hollywood was founded in the early 1900’s by piracy because the movie companies moved there to avoid paying the patents held by Thomas Edison’s Motion Picture Patents Company in New Jersey who often sued to stop filmmakers productions due to them not paying for use of the patents. To avoid paying filmmakers began moving out west to hollywood, where attempts to enforce Edison’s patents were more easily evaded.

Edit…jiaco please delete if this post breaks guidelines

Lets not make this rocket science. You cannot offend people based on traits that have been deemed improper to offend: religion, political stance, country of origin, sex, etc…

At least for now, rich greedy bastards are not on that list. :smiley:

The more I read this post the funnier it gets.

The moment you lay that first brick of “You cannot offend” (just those words alone, no other qualifiers even fucking needed) you’ve built a prison for yourself and everyone else. The fact that you apparently don’t realize that is absolutely hilarious.

Context is everything. In this case, this forum is owned by Crate, so their rules apply. If the rules say you can’t offend anyone here, then you can’t. I’m fairly sure they don’t intend for the forum rules to apply to everyone, everywhere, or that you can’t be offended at all. That would just be silly.

Oh, I’m aware private entities are well within their rights to allow whatever or disallow whatever they please on their fora. It’s just not a very good idea to cater to offended people. The de facto response to someone saying “I’m offended by that” should always be “So fucking what? Put the user in question on ignore if it bothers you.” If and when it becomes persistent personal harassment that circumvents forum usertools or something perhaps legally actionable that jeopardizes the forum’s continued existence, then yes, moderation should absolutely step in.

Catering to the offended is a fantastic way to paint yourself into all sorts of corners. Selectively deciding it’s OK to offend certain groups but not others is a REALLY REALLY dark corner.

I disagree, some things should not be said and whoever does so anyway should be ‘punished’ (get a warning, after repeated cases banned).

Things that are verifiably false should not be ok, on the other hand things that are objectively true are not considered offensive.