Familiarity+simplicity vs Changes+complexity

People are whining and bitching about how developers do not innovate and try to create new mechanics and gameplay for their game anymore and at the same time simplified a lot of their game to cater to wider player base yet at the same time the same crowd religiously buy games with the same recycled gameplay without fail every year with Call of Duty game being the most obvious example as it becomes one of the best selling games without fail every time a new sequel comes out with minimal changes. Overwatch is the newest example with so many people hyping for it even though the gameplay is offering nothing new or having much complexity to it.

In my opinion, people just wants the illusion of having something new and overcoming new challenges without having to actually learn about new mechanics or having to brush up their skills to face the challenge, in other word, we all want the same old thing in a new package so that we can continue to stay inside the comfort zone.

Every time people got out of their comfort zone and faced some challenges they never seen before, almost always we will back away and try to retreat back into that confort zone. That can be seen clearly when we travel to some foreign countries. As soon as we landed, the first thing we look for is something that is familiar to us, most of the time it would be locating the nearest McDonald or KFC or something along those lines.

It makes me wonders whether people actually knows what they really wanted or just assumong that they want something that is different from the norm simply because they have been staying too long in their own comfort zone. Just a small sip of something different to shock them so that they can back away from it then have another sip before backing away again instead of really embrace the changes.

Going to disagree here. I don’t even own Overwatch but having watched a lot of videos (cough STAR_ cough) on it its gameplay does seem fairly innovative. Maybe not the individual game modes, per se, but how the characters themselves play and feel? Looks pretty new to me.

It makes me wonders whether people actually knows what they really want
Of course people don’t know what they want. If they knew what they wanted they’d have it and they’d want no more. :slight_smile:

The characters actually feels immediately familiar to me, I constantly think about Super Monday Night Combat as I go through the gameplay and thinking, “this is how I play the Combat Girl”, “this is the point where I go into Turret Mode as the Gunner”, “this is should be how Captain Spark should play” as I go through the gameplay of Symetra, Bastion and Tracer as those are the few characters I am familiar with in Super Monday Night Combat. There are a lot more characters in the SMNC that I am not that familiar with like the Sniper, Artemis, Gunslinger that I am not familair with as I never played them.