Farm with negative Workers / need double workers to funktion v0.7.2

I have build 2 farms. After noticing i lack workers i tried to change the number of workers on farms. If i set it to 0 the P Menu still shows 8 workers. I can lower them there even more resulting into negative woker counts like -3/3. Now i thought the 8 workers must be enought and i can just add more.
Problem is with 8 workers in P menu (8/8) nothing gets planted. I need to add even more to make them work.

my savegame is over 4MB if zipped so i cant upload it.

No need to upload a save, we have a repro for this.

Thanks for the report!

Nice, thanks for your fast answer and hopefully a fix soon :slight_smile:

I have the same problem.

I guess as you are aware we will see a fix once you get it fixed :smiley:

Ok, from my experience, this happened when i built 2 farm areas at the same time.
Workaround: Deconstruct all farms, then build them again, 1 at a time. Now working as normal.

Good to Know for a new start.
I think i wont survive deconstructing my 2 fields and building them new but we will see.

I created a single 5x5 field, and once it was done, the display showed “harvester: 0/1”.
Once I put “1/1” the “P” interface showed “farmer: 2/1”.

So I don’t think it’s linked to building multiple farms at once. Maybe I had my farmer die to a wolf or bear attack (some are stupid enough to attack the bear in vanguard difficulty)

A fix for this is internal testing and aimed for the upcoming hotfix.

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I don’t know if this will help, but I had placed 3 5x5 fields, tried to resize one to 6x5 ended up drawing over the previous field to get it to allow the resize.
2 fields said 1/1
The “resized” one said 2/2
The job manager said 7/5 Farmers
I deleted the one field, now it says 4/2 Farmers.

Same problem here.

Ok, resurrecting this thread. Got this on a new save:

The fix is likely not retroactive for some cases. Bring the total back under 12 and you should find you can’t get them back to 13 anymore.

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