But… look at all the fashion shows. Fashion is supposed to be pretty, not practical.
alrighty, i think i’m gonna try this one out
might swap daegas hood for voice of dreeg tho, daega looks better, but if i swap for voice of dreeg i’m avoiding any “set conflicts”
- Daega’s Hood (might swap fro Voice of Dreeg)
- Daega’s Mantle
- Dunefiend chest
- Thornhide legs
- Ghol’s gloves
- Grim Harvest boots
- Deadbeater mace
- Bramblevine shield
^obviously the approach is gonna be some form of retal, since it’s pretty cowardly and maybe on the easier side to make do
okay this is the bastardized sentinel i’ve come up with, https://www.grimtools.com/calc/bVAmg37V
lets see if it’s worth a pot of piss or if i’ll be making meni meni changes (before giving up )
^(any bets on how many hours it will take me to kill a simple skelemong? )
Think this’ll be my meal ticket, straight from the OP! Because how can one fail while using Shar’zul’s?
Visage of the Black Flame (assuming that’s the helmet) is a little scuffed, though. Mask of Infernal Truth may be a bit easier - and still on target!
I got a non-set AAR build that imo looks pretty badass without any illusions
Grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrmA13V
Normally my build’s offhand is a Pulsing Shard with Bound Wraith illusion but without the illusion it doesn’t match the rest of the outfit that well, so for the compo I’m using the Codex of Lies instead. I managed to beat SR65-66 with this setup, which is already many patches old so with some more optimization it might go even higher.
alrighty, build manages to clear SR50-51 within timer at times, guess that means it’s “technically” a "farm capable"build fashion?
i really don’t wanna try run this through Crucible, it gets dicey enough in SR even pulling bosses solo(no camera exploit), and i’m not keen on multi boss/nemesis gangbang in crucible, as just certain nem/multi heroes gangup makes me sweat during the chunks and run like a panicked kitten.
50k acid retal and low overcaps is just not that awesome a combo even for a wannabe tank coward
Accepted it and actually I don’t regret it
Here I present: Reign of Ice and Acid, inspired by one ring
The idea was to make a cold and acid damage hybrid which would use murmur and yugol devotions, both supporting those damage types, also added korvaak for additional damage and crits!
Initially it was an autoattacker, but I decided to use Yugol’s Hunger relic, it is a perfect relic for this particular build.
No illusions used, the only set item is the silver sentinel’s mask. For a non transmog I really like how it looks like. I like the blue and green balance, it looks especially amazing when you start spinning with voracious reach
I was able to beat all main campaign areas and roguelikes (though Tomb of the Heretic is luck based… all depends on mutators). The biggest issue is low damage and rr, unlike devotions there are not many items with both cold and acid damage and some are for casters where I need attack speed for spinning
Leveling was fun, the class is a witch hunter. Leveled with pusquill’s tail for strong acid belgo shears and malkadarr’s blade for cold execution. The funniest thing was having very low max hp during whole leveling, I don’t know why it was that low, probably I had no luck with item drops ;(
At level 80 I had around 4,5k hp, Theodin one shot me at his third phase about 5 times before I killed him
I am happy with the results anyway, finally could make a cool looking build using 2 colors (spinning with yugol’s skill is the best looking thing ever)
I have been trying for long time to make good illusion using Calla helmet, I think I got pretty close on this one
This looks awesome!
I have also tried to find good melee weapon illusions for same setup
Solael Flamebearer
Legionnaire’s pride
The Pummeler
Legion warhammer
Rhowari justice
War’s rebuke
@Maska322 could you post grim tool to that build, looks very fun!
Edited into the original post
Dude, with high res gif and GFX like that, even a toon with fewment grips and korvaaks horns would look shiny xD
Grenado Launcher
True but I look at it from the other side - only this way we can fully appreciate 's beautiful equipment.