[FB] Trader

Why is there no hard limit on MAX sell amount when selling and MAX buy amount when buying. Now you have to manually set it every time. If you have to the same trade on an item for several times in a setting, its very tedious.


The set above, I needed to complete 5 times, a hard limit would make it so much easyer.

With the item you want to sell:

  1. Click Transfer Item
  2. Type in the number you want to sell regularly in the box on the right-hand (Trading Post) side.
  3. Check the box next to the Confirm button (tooltip says “Keep in Stock”)
  4. Click Confirm

Your Trading Post workers will now work around the year to keep that amount of that item stocked in the Trading Post. When traders come visiting, you just Sell the maximum amount possible. Two clicks. Couldn’t be easier.

Can’t do the same thing when Buying, but hey… you are probably selling far more than you are buying anyway.

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